It's been missed because many/most people on here are afraid of ascension as it shatters their paradigm. There is God, there was Jesus, Buddha, Krishna etc but religion was the original divide and conquer tool. The Bible has been altered and many parts left out or taken out.
The complete picture would put 99% of Americans (the World) in a hospital.
Ask yourself what is the 1 thing that would put 99% of the world in a hospital? Easy answer, creation and religion.
The Great Awakening is not simply opening your eyes to government crime and election theft and child trafficking...It is a spiritual awakening mainly and understanding that we are all 1 with the universe and understanding consciousness. Your body is ready for 5D shift in consciousness but minds are not yet...
I hear ya, and btw just to be clear, my comment was not a jab at you or anyone else. Just the simple fact that we on here understand that we have been lied to about everything, but it is taboo to say that we also have been lied to about religions and creation. That they did not lie to us about right? It is a hard concept to understand and Q's last word was ascension. It goes back to quantum physics plain and simple. Jesus, Buddha, Krishna etc were higher dimensional beings. We are here in 3D, but are preparing to ascend in a 5D world. Videos below from Jacob Chansley are super enlightening. I would recommend watching them at 1.5x speed as some are long. Enjoy and let me know your thoughts on them...
To really lean into your point, the ancient Sumerian's referenced a group of kings that each had reigns of 20,000 to 40,000 years... EACH
Yea, I think this body is designed to live a LONG time.
going to step out on a limb and toss a counterpoint because Q said Ascension
I think the medical industrial complex is too hyper focused on keeping us alive too long.
We don't live with purpose, we just live to survive a little longer.
There is something about telomere shortening with age, within our DNA.
I think our purpose here is to work together to make each successive generation live that much closer to Eden and then get out of their way so they can do the same for the next generation.
I know this because every satanic influence is pushing away from that concept, but in doing so, showing exactly where they're pushing away from.
I've been thinking on this drop.
Perhaps in the beginning, Q is drawing attention to the God Gene. We protect our DNA by having a relationship with the one true God. The one who comes jnto us with his breath when we accept Him as our father. Thus assuring our ascension.
Suddenly this feels much more important:
It's been missed because many/most people on here are afraid of ascension as it shatters their paradigm. There is God, there was Jesus, Buddha, Krishna etc but religion was the original divide and conquer tool. The Bible has been altered and many parts left out or taken out.
The complete picture would put 99% of Americans (the World) in a hospital.
Ask yourself what is the 1 thing that would put 99% of the world in a hospital? Easy answer, creation and religion.
The Great Awakening is not simply opening your eyes to government crime and election theft and child trafficking...It is a spiritual awakening mainly and understanding that we are all 1 with the universe and understanding consciousness. Your body is ready for 5D shift in consciousness but minds are not yet...
book of enoch, and keys of enoch
I hear ya, and btw just to be clear, my comment was not a jab at you or anyone else. Just the simple fact that we on here understand that we have been lied to about everything, but it is taboo to say that we also have been lied to about religions and creation. That they did not lie to us about right? It is a hard concept to understand and Q's last word was ascension. It goes back to quantum physics plain and simple. Jesus, Buddha, Krishna etc were higher dimensional beings. We are here in 3D, but are preparing to ascend in a 5D world. Videos below from Jacob Chansley are super enlightening. I would recommend watching them at 1.5x speed as some are long. Enjoy and let me know your thoughts on them... (extremely insightful)
To really lean into your point, the ancient Sumerian's referenced a group of kings that each had reigns of 20,000 to 40,000 years... EACH
Yea, I think this body is designed to live a LONG time.
going to step out on a limb and toss a counterpoint because Q said Ascension
I think the medical industrial complex is too hyper focused on keeping us alive too long.
We don't live with purpose, we just live to survive a little longer.
There is something about telomere shortening with age, within our DNA.
I think our purpose here is to work together to make each successive generation live that much closer to Eden and then get out of their way so they can do the same for the next generation.
I know this because every satanic influence is pushing away from that concept, but in doing so, showing exactly where they're pushing away from.
I've been thinking on this drop. Perhaps in the beginning, Q is drawing attention to the God Gene. We protect our DNA by having a relationship with the one true God. The one who comes jnto us with his breath when we accept Him as our father. Thus assuring our ascension.