The FBI is collecting more than 90,000 DNA samples per month. What are they planning to do with a database that rivals even the CCP?
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I hear ya, and btw just to be clear, my comment was not a jab at you or anyone else. Just the simple fact that we on here understand that we have been lied to about everything, but it is taboo to say that we also have been lied to about religions and creation. That they did not lie to us about right? It is a hard concept to understand and Q's last word was ascension. It goes back to quantum physics plain and simple. Jesus, Buddha, Krishna etc were higher dimensional beings. We are here in 3D, but are preparing to ascend in a 5D world. Videos below from Jacob Chansley are super enlightening. I would recommend watching them at 1.5x speed as some are long. Enjoy and let me know your thoughts on them... (extremely insightful)
Totally understandable. Chansley is a controversial figure right now, but that will change soon.
This is the main part of the war though. It all ends once we reach critical mass in collective consciousness. The "elites" have this understanding and knowledge and hid it for complete enslavement and used it against us. Once people truly understand what we are up against, it all ends.