The Mueller investigation ran from May 17, 2017, to March 22, 2019.
The Mueller report included references to 14 criminal investigations that were referred to other offices, 12 of which were completely redacted in the April 18 release.
NBC News: There appears, although the redacted documents do not make it completely clear, that there is a separate criminal investigation going on outside of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's purview for which Flynn has been providing significant assistance.
NBC News: Special Counsel Robert Mueller asks a judge for little to no jail time for Ret. Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn in exchanged for what they've described as his "substantial assistance" to their investigation.
"References to 14 criminal investigations that were REFERRED TO OTHER OFFICES." COMPLETELY REDACTED!!
Look below, "Think No Name" [Who died August 25, 2018]
Then read the next 10 lines.
If No Name was investigated under one of the 14 completely redated criminal investigations and afterwards executed for treason, my question is who was investigated under the remaining 13 completely redated criminal investigations?
If No Name was executed for collaborating with the enemy (ISIS) and we know Obama himself created and protected ISIS, do you really think Obama is walking around as a free man?
This is why President Trump has remarked on many occasions how quickly he took out ISIS. Obama was protecting ISIS. HRC's personal assistant's father was part of Muslim Brotherhood and why Huma kept an "Insurance policy" for the unfortunate event that they were caught.
This is why President Trump says, "We caught them all!"
In a sense that is true, but if you consider that they ONLY way they have been able to perpetuate this form of slavery has been deception, that means something.
In the past, it was overt power. But since the evolution of law, rights, and freedoms, they have had to resort to other methods.
Those methods themselves will no longer work when the deceptions are exposed and liquidated.
Its about measures of freedom, and there is no real freedom, no true material freedom without spiritual and inner freedom. If we have been slaves to them, its because we have been slaves to our own fallen, ignorant nature.
But truth and love are powerful. There is much more freedom at hand and available to us already than has ever been available and accessible in history, imo anyway.
Very nicely stated.