The Earth is the center of the solar system. THE SCIENCE IS SETTLED. Spontaneous Generation creates flies from rotting meat. THE SCIENCE IS SETTLED. Your stomach ache is caused by witchcraft requiring leeches as a cure. THE SCIENCE IS SETTLED.
Point taken. However the other side has been indoctrinating children & adults for years stating the science was settled. Which it was not, it was rigged. Why not allow this study that provides evidence based truth unequivocally state that there is no Climate Crisis or Emergency. Therefore at this “point in time” the science is indeed settled.
Amazing to me that the climate hoaxers slam CO2. Gardeners place CO2 producing machines in greenhouses to further encourage growth. This could be a reason for why the climate activists are setting forest fires world wide to damage the capacity for CO2 being absorbed. What wickedness in their hearts to wantonly burn forests which are homes for wildlife, simply to get the actual climate to match their fake data.
It is like the Anti-Fascists are really fascists.
An the environmentalists are really echo-terrorists.
Saying 'the science is settled" negates the very meaning of science. No science is ever settled, that's the whole point of science.
The Earth is the center of the solar system. THE SCIENCE IS SETTLED. Spontaneous Generation creates flies from rotting meat. THE SCIENCE IS SETTLED. Your stomach ache is caused by witchcraft requiring leeches as a cure. THE SCIENCE IS SETTLED.
Anyone questioning science shall be pilloried.
Point taken. However the other side has been indoctrinating children & adults for years stating the science was settled. Which it was not, it was rigged. Why not allow this study that provides evidence based truth unequivocally state that there is no Climate Crisis or Emergency. Therefore at this “point in time” the science is indeed settled.
Amazing to me that the climate hoaxers slam CO2. Gardeners place CO2 producing machines in greenhouses to further encourage growth. This could be a reason for why the climate activists are setting forest fires world wide to damage the capacity for CO2 being absorbed. What wickedness in their hearts to wantonly burn forests which are homes for wildlife, simply to get the actual climate to match their fake data.
It is like the Anti-Fascists are really fascists. An the environmentalists are really echo-terrorists.
That's ok, I'll just ride the stomach ache out.
A little known scientific fact.