In 1992, while at a business dinner in Moscow, Russia, Government contractor Tom Fife said that he was told that a young man named Barack Obama was receiving Soviet Communist training and was being groomed to be America's first black president with a hidden communist agenda. Read his article:
Cabal History

I swear that Obama didn't really win the 2012 election. People were so upset about the ramming of Obamacare rammed down our throats. I am sure they cheated to keep him in office.
Obamacare was some surreal bullshit! I don't even think they had the majority in both houses. I was like why in hell would the country agree to this communism. We don't even know what is in the bill. Are we on the verge of an emergency? Is human labor obsolete? Aliens? Now we know foreign globalist nazis planned Obama's takeover for decades and the Bushes were in on it. Traitors.
I think I remember seeing the magic vote switching algorithm veering extremely hard left conveniently at the last possible moment in that election, too.
2008 maybe. Definitely not 2012