The 1878 case is United States vs Throckmorton, and the decision is here.
The “fraud vitiates…” part that people are quoting doesn’t mean what it sounds like. In fact the court ruled in this case that an allegation of fraud is not sufficient to overturn a previously settled legal process so, to the extent that it is relevant at all, Throckmorton supports allowing the election results to stand.
In the subsequent 150 years there’s been much legal wrangling about how and when Throckmorton should be applied (if you don’t want to read about 980 million pages tedious pages of legal writing, the Wikipedia article is a good summary) but none of that makes Throckmorton any more helpful to challenging the 2020 results.
allegation of fraud is not sufficient to overturn a previously settled legal process
Is an allegation of fraud ever sufficient to overturn anything? Or does it require PROOF of the fraud?
Stealing a presidential election in an elaborately orchestrated coup d'état is an act of treason. So, is that stolen election really a "previously settled legal process"? Can anything blatantly and patently ILLEGAL, such as treason, ever be a settled LEGAL process?
That's the fact, ever since the Supreme Court famously wrote that in 1878.
The entire 2018, 2020, and 2022 elections should be thrown out.
i didnt know Scotus wrote that...damn thats where it comes from
The case is famously referred to as "Throckmorton"
The 1878 case is United States vs Throckmorton, and the decision is here.
The “fraud vitiates…” part that people are quoting doesn’t mean what it sounds like. In fact the court ruled in this case that an allegation of fraud is not sufficient to overturn a previously settled legal process so, to the extent that it is relevant at all, Throckmorton supports allowing the election results to stand.
In the subsequent 150 years there’s been much legal wrangling about how and when Throckmorton should be applied (if you don’t want to read about 980 million pages tedious pages of legal writing, the Wikipedia article is a good summary) but none of that makes Throckmorton any more helpful to challenging the 2020 results.
Is an allegation of fraud ever sufficient to overturn anything? Or does it require PROOF of the fraud?
Stealing a presidential election in an elaborately orchestrated coup d'état is an act of treason. So, is that stolen election really a "previously settled legal process"? Can anything blatantly and patently ILLEGAL, such as treason, ever be a settled LEGAL process?
Parts of 2016 also