35 New Mercedes Electric Concept, notice the seat emblems, look familiar? (media.greatawakening.win) posted 1 year ago by charlesufarley 1 year ago by charlesufarley +35 / -0 12 comments download share 12 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Aesthetically speaking, that's down right ugly.
It appears that rich SOBs are attracted to ugliness these days.
I've always thought Trump's taste were a little on the garish side, but compared to what's considered attractive these days, I'll take Trump's taste.
yellow/blue with Ukrainian tridents.
They should stop holding back and just make a mercedes symbol blowing zelensky.
Just about blew soda out of my nose
Zelenski blowing Obama? Or is that in bad taste….
Not in bad taste but will leave a bad taste in your mouth
Or Big Mike...
Aside from the obvious trident, the seats look like two people in hazmat suits, hands tied behind their backs and a VR headset on each of them, mouths agape.
No chance to escape the radiation affects, and ceaseless fire bomb affect on impact...yay!! Fry em also at the outlets!! Fun fun! 🙄
I guess they thought it was time to get back to their Nazi roots.