IMHO we need to stop legitimizing that there's any difference whatsoever between the words "sex" and "gender" when it refers to being male or female.
Gender just means sex. The male gender is the male sex. The female sex is the female gender. Whatever you're born with, every cell of your body has either the XX or XY chromosome that determines which of these two very binary genders you are.
"Gender" has become common to use because the word "sex" is so sex-charged in our society that it always connotes something to do with copulation or other sexual behavior. When all you wanted to think about was male vs. female and not sexual behavior, it's easier to use the word gender.
When we define "gender" as simply a more "genteel, gentle" word for sex, we remove the delusional psychotic's ability to manipulate our language to their own liking. They were born the male gender, they're still males no matter how much makeup and frilly clothing they wear or how fast they cut off their gonads.
Gonads do not determine gender. Lop 'em off, yer still a dude. Zippertits, yer still a chick.
Gender and genitals are genuinely generated by genes (genetics), not psychotic delusions. Hence the similarities in the words gene, gender, generate, generation, and genitalia.
How about we call men, men and call women, women and not play the gender-tard game at all?
Also, stop legitimizing fucking GENDURRRR. Sex. That’s it. There is the male sex and the male sex.
Don't forget about the male sex. And the male sex too. Oh, and also the male sex.
In so glad that got are wrong, and that there are male AND female sexes!!
IMHO we need to stop legitimizing that there's any difference whatsoever between the words "sex" and "gender" when it refers to being male or female.
Gender just means sex. The male gender is the male sex. The female sex is the female gender. Whatever you're born with, every cell of your body has either the XX or XY chromosome that determines which of these two very binary genders you are.
"Gender" has become common to use because the word "sex" is so sex-charged in our society that it always connotes something to do with copulation or other sexual behavior. When all you wanted to think about was male vs. female and not sexual behavior, it's easier to use the word gender.
When we define "gender" as simply a more "genteel, gentle" word for sex, we remove the delusional psychotic's ability to manipulate our language to their own liking. They were born the male gender, they're still males no matter how much makeup and frilly clothing they wear or how fast they cut off their gonads.
Gonads do not determine gender. Lop 'em off, yer still a dude. Zippertits, yer still a chick.
Gender and genitals are genuinely generated by genes (genetics), not psychotic delusions. Hence the similarities in the words gene, gender, generate, generation, and genitalia.