JOURNALIST FOUND DEAD AFTER EXPOSING ROD ROSENSTEIN & SES - DOJ - CIA - FBI child-trafficking - SR murder crimes!! — Steemit
Hidden unknown whistle-blower silenced & targetted! ◌ WHAT IS ODD IS THAT NO MAJOR NEWS MEDIA OUTLET IS COVERING… by motherlibertynow
RIP Jenny Moore
Informative article despite its age.
Desire for the movie to end because I do not want to see anymore patriot dying for our just cause. I know timing is in God’s hand, but please God, accelerate the end.
Unfortunately, just another death the deep state has caused added up into the millions if not more from all their wars.
George Webb's fault... never know how to take that guy. seems fucky to me.
I think he threw us all off course with the China Wuhan thing when the labs in u-krane were probably burning the documents.
It says this is from 5 years ago
We live a timeline and what happened in the past affects the now. 45k ft view and time encompassing are necessary. If not reminded, we shall forget and lose pieces of the puzzle. I appreciate this post, Op.
There are always newly awakening souls finding this site. I always appreciate reminders of significant info around previous habbenings.
It would be nice if we enforced some sort of flair referencing that it is not a new happening, though.
You are a wise one NanaQ
George Webb had over 4000 videos on YouTube, they were all deleted 3 months before the 2020 Election. I was listing to them a few per week and one day, they were all gone.
How long ago was Seth Rich murdered? If we keep his memory alive, we should keep other patriots too who died while trying to fight the demons.
Yes, its kind of surprising it still exists.