As the impeachment circus rolls into town, it might...
stall and never happen.
lead to Trump's 5th indictment.
actually dispose of FJB and install Kumaholic.
show a lot of damning evidence but then result in nothing, further infuriating more people and red-pilling others.
lead to further evidence that 2020 was stolen and thus be the stage where the final act takes place, and Trump is restored to the White House.
occur, but nothing actually happens because no one cares because aliens invaded.
Any other ideas?
Your vote?
Edit: I realize that the options above don't really do justice to the complexities of reality. Key words: "high level" .
Can't really agree with any options there, per se.
Lets look at the big picture. We are heading to the precipice. Only then Great Awakening will happen. This much is a given for people who understand Q.
Regarding 3, I made a post with some thoughts.
I strongly believe that Biden is being thrown under the bus, and there is a change of guard (for the Cabal puppets) being planned, and completely neutralising Trump at the crucial moment is very important.
I can foresee Trump's bail being revoked, being physically arrested (as absurd as it sounds), then trying to get rid of Kabala, install the successor (Gruesome?) and then removing Biden.
As this plan gets thrown into dogs, I expect the puppets to start making more desperate moves, playing all their aces (Aliens, financial crash, WW3, etc etc).
I think this drama will keep escalating in the lead up to 2024, and along the way Trump's trials AND Biden's impeachment will usher in disclosures at the same time, in a way contrasting each others, as we get forced to the precipice.
Very plausible. But Ithink that becomes too convoluted and the truth gets lost for too many people, and that would not be good.
Not when we are at the precipice and the people get to see what they had in plan.
It makes me wonder about the prolonged SAG/writers strikes. If you can't create new programming...
When they can't afford their apartment where they used to watch tv and/or aren't able to afford their cable bill much less their electric bill, they DO care.
In fact, data points are everywhere demonstrating how rapidly the caring and awakening is spreading.and its only going to get worse. NCSWIC.