hahah life imitates breaking bad. originally it was junkies or teenagers would buy sudafed in small quantities for gathering to turn it into meth or whatever. little red pills = smurfberries.
This is MOST INTERESTING! I used the fec.gov website and entered our small town. There are 2 elderly women that have made multiple donations and I happened to know one of them …. She has a pot to piss in, yet she’s contributed over $1k just this year. Guess who’s door I’ll be knocking on tomorrow. … yup! We’ll be getting to the bottom of this shit!
How dare they “Smurf” the retired, elderly and handicapped. This is a GREAT VIDEO! Thx for sharing!
This is what James Okeefe over at OMG exposed several months ago.
We can clean up the ballot process, how do you clean up the dark money process?
We know these democrats would get very little campaign donations without the illegal avenues behind the scene.
If I had to guess, the organization below is one of the guilty parties.
Send in the military and arrest them all.
I had to look it up... https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/smurf.asp
hahah life imitates breaking bad. originally it was junkies or teenagers would buy sudafed in small quantities for gathering to turn it into meth or whatever. little red pills = smurfberries.
Reminded me of the Office Space quote "I can’t believe what a bunch of nerds we are. We’re looking up money laundering in a dictionary."
Lol, nice👌 After Trump's mugshot, I had, "Damn it Feels Good to bye a Gangsta" stuck in my head for at least a week🐸
Large amounts of Dark Money were used to elect the most recent Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice.
Massive nationwide small donations for a state Supreme Court Justice race.
…. Tagged to watch later.
I have it playing in the background as I work and it is quite interesting. It's actually a really big deal.
Like so many things, it takes an actual justice department to hold people accountable.
Regardless, we are on the front lines of the info war and this kind of information is our ammo.
Edit: Adding research links referenced in video.
This is MOST INTERESTING! I used the fec.gov website and entered our small town. There are 2 elderly women that have made multiple donations and I happened to know one of them …. She has a pot to piss in, yet she’s contributed over $1k just this year. Guess who’s door I’ll be knocking on tomorrow. … yup! We’ll be getting to the bottom of this shit!
How dare they “Smurf” the retired, elderly and handicapped. This is a GREAT VIDEO! Thx for sharing!
Wow, that's crazy. I'm certain that person will be happy to know that their name is being used for money laundering. Keep me posted on how things go.
If you have Twitter, following this guy would be informative on WI corruption as well. https://twitter.com/PeterBernegger
She opened her eyes and then she opened her mouth...This is the way. Good job Lady!!
Sounds interesting...
My only question is how do we stop it?
Damned smurfs with your blue skin and phrygian caps and sausage party railroadin' orgies...
Ethical complaints don't matter when the people enforcing them won't do anything to fire or remove employees.