He already showed up in Human History. Well recorded and documented within the synoptic gospels.
For argument's sake, let's just assume they are 100% accurate history (which they are, but we'll set that argument aside for just a moment). There were those during Jesus' life who still wouldn't believe even though they saw him raise people from the dead, raise himself from the dead and forgive sins, etc... What makes you think you would believe in todays day and age? You would probably chalk all his miracles up to Deep Fakes or some CGI etc...
I welcome it. Seriously.
(I’m, of course, immediately downvoted. Why do you have such little faith in your god?)
He already showed up in Human History. Well recorded and documented within the synoptic gospels.
For argument's sake, let's just assume they are 100% accurate history (which they are, but we'll set that argument aside for just a moment). There were those during Jesus' life who still wouldn't believe even though they saw him raise people from the dead, raise himself from the dead and forgive sins, etc... What makes you think you would believe in todays day and age? You would probably chalk all his miracles up to Deep Fakes or some CGI etc...
I didn't downvote you, by the way.