Anthony's only hope is with healing prayers on his behalf. Please include him in a prayer. Anthony is half brother to my 4 grandchildren.
Comments (18)
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Praying for baby Anthony. May God touch him and allow him to breathe freely.
Sometimes the greatest burdens of our sins are bared on the backs of the innocent.
But its the souls of the willing that pay the cost.
God has a plan for everyone, hopefully everyone is alright in the end.
I suspect that you mean "borne on the backs..." - i.e. not made naked (bared).
Tugs at the heartstrings, but maybe try Facebook or something?
Dravet Syndrome. Take this baby to a larger hospital. Your local small town hospital will take way longer to diagnose and treat this.
Unfortunately seizures this young aren’t a good sign. 10years in with my medically complex child, it’s a journey. Our children are vaccine injured.
I have passed along the info in your comment. Thank you
Prayers on their way, may the Lord work a miracle for this little mite, the little one that God loves more than anyone.
Some Drs have a God Complex....
My parents, and myself were told the exact bullfeces after I went into a Coma after surgery to repair ripped stomach muscles and a hernia from a weight lifting accident.
First time ever at the age of 18yrs old being put under sedation. Turns out I am hypersensitive to medication...
Unfortunately do not know until it's taken...
That was almost 4 decades ago.
Drs have these ' canned ' responses for when they orbit fully aware what's going on..
Especially now in these days of....
Stunned Baffled Anomaly
I weep for the ignorance of the mother
More so for this sweet Angel Anthony.
🙏💖🕯️ sent for baby Anthony.
He'll be in my prayers.
Praying for baby and mom also. Hope the lord opens her eyes to the lies and deceit
Vaccine injuries
Praying for this innocent baby! 🙏🙌
Thank you everyone. Passing along to his mama.
Said a prayer for baby Anthony 🙏