It Begins: Australia’s Fifth-Largest Bank Announces Digital-Only Transactions – Will Phase Out Cash, Cheque, and Phone Payments in All 80 Branches Starting Next Year
The only place I know that will be the very last place standing is the south east United States. Folks around here are pretty particular about not putting up with tyranny. The folks around here are not afraid to rebel.
And how would they be staying in the US legally, if they chose to ditch Australia and move here, because an investment bank chose to do away with dealing with checks and cash?
What makes you think some random person from Australia will be more worthy of immigrating to the US than, say, some random person from Mexico?
Seriously? People don't even have to hide when they come here illegally. Getting to America is easy from Australia. It is as simple as booking a flight. You just don't take the return trip. With tens of millions of illegal aliens, they aren't even showing up on the radar from the UK, Canada and Australia.
So you're ok with people coming to the US and staying here illegally?
Or is it only certain people you don't want to be in the US illegally?
No, I am saying they are coming and they are here and there is absolutely nothing I can do about it. If freedom loving people come here to escape tyranny, then at least it is something I can define and get behind. The United States was literally founded on people trying to escape tyrants and embrace freedom. (The massacre of indigenous people being a discussion for another time) and yes, there are certain people that I do not want to come here, illegally or otherwise and no, it has nothing to do with ethnicity nor religion. As a mixed breed child of an asian immigrant, I do not have a preference for ethnicity nor religion, but do have a preference for moral, ethical and hardworking people. That all being said, I find the Aussie accent cute and funny.