So we're going with a fact check from a world CNN (AP) now? Oh, ok.
Aside from that, no plane hit the Pentagon. I've put my credentials on several threads now as to why and how I know this so, one more time: I served 24 years in the Air Force. One of the many hats I wore was as an Engine Mishap Investigator and Aircraft Mishap Investigator. I was also deployed most of that 24yrs over in the sandbox. Having that "luxury" allowed me to see both cruise missile hits, as they happened, and aftermath. The Pentagon had every marker of a cruise missile, not an aircraft of any type.
You can believe all the smoke and mirrors bullshit you want. I trust the extensive training I went thru, as well as multiple first-hand reports and incidents I was involved in.
Wikipedia, any MSM, etc are going to tell you what they want you to know, even a complete fabrication. I thought we'd learned this by now.
I'm just saying the video that you're referring to is fake. You may not like the source, but you can see for yourself the edited and the real video. Touting it does cost you credibility.
I understand what you're saying. However I must ask how many times stories change to force a narrative? How many vids have been clipped and altered BY MSM channels to the same ends? Answer: literally every day. Vid aside, How many big "conspiracy theories" have turned out to be 100% true?
Ergo, if we take the observable known and someone tells you that what your senses are registering isn't, the the logical answer is they're lying. This applies.
Y'know I wasn't expecting "I believed something without researching it because it confirmed by pre-existing beliefs" but at least something like "thanks for the heads-up"
So we're going with a fact check from a world CNN (AP) now? Oh, ok.
Aside from that, no plane hit the Pentagon. I've put my credentials on several threads now as to why and how I know this so, one more time: I served 24 years in the Air Force. One of the many hats I wore was as an Engine Mishap Investigator and Aircraft Mishap Investigator. I was also deployed most of that 24yrs over in the sandbox. Having that "luxury" allowed me to see both cruise missile hits, as they happened, and aftermath. The Pentagon had every marker of a cruise missile, not an aircraft of any type.
You can believe all the smoke and mirrors bullshit you want. I trust the extensive training I went thru, as well as multiple first-hand reports and incidents I was involved in.
Wikipedia, any MSM, etc are going to tell you what they want you to know, even a complete fabrication. I thought we'd learned this by now.
I'm just saying the video that you're referring to is fake. You may not like the source, but you can see for yourself the edited and the real video. Touting it does cost you credibility.
I understand what you're saying. However I must ask how many times stories change to force a narrative? How many vids have been clipped and altered BY MSM channels to the same ends? Answer: literally every day. Vid aside, How many big "conspiracy theories" have turned out to be 100% true?
Ergo, if we take the observable known and someone tells you that what your senses are registering isn't, the the logical answer is they're lying. This applies.
Y'know I wasn't expecting "I believed something without researching it because it confirmed by pre-existing beliefs" but at least something like "thanks for the heads-up"
OK. Nice talk.