245 Thread: Approaching the tipping point when the public becomes fully aware of the harm done by the death jab. (threadreaderapp.com) 💉 COVID CRIME SCENE 🦠 posted 1 year ago by BerlinWallCrosser 1 year ago by BerlinWallCrosser +246 / -1 Thread by @VigilantFox on Thread Reader App @VigilantFox: 🧵THREAD: Ed Dowd Makes Chilling Prediction on How the COVID Conspirators Will Cover Up Their Crimes “We’re getting there [the tipping point] quickly as word of mouth spreads on the dangers of these vac...… 25 comments share 25 comments share save hide report block hide replies
I would not want to win a war with Russia. That would mean that the establishment has free rein to rule the world at their every whim. Right now the only thing keeping us safe is Russia.
e.g., one of the 11 countries in the UN to vote against the world-wide medical power grab treaty.