Don't you love how, when you're dealing with democrats in Clown World,...
...elections boil down to HOW MUCH cheating they get to do, was it widespread ENOUGH to change the outcome of the election;
and impeachment for bribery depends on HOW MUCH bribery the so-called "president" is profiting from....
...while in Sane World, ANY systemic or deliberate election fraud immediately disqualifies the candidate, regardless of HOW MUCH cheating they did, and the candidate who got the most votes without cheating is declared the winner;
...and ANY bribery involving the so-called "president" results in impeachment, regardless of HOW MUCH bribery it was.
and yet they do nothing. I cannot hate them any more than I do but then they prove me wrong everyday.
What specifically should they do?
How about impeach him for fuck sake. You must be an idiot fbi guy
How about you lick my fucking balls doom faggot!!!
Anyone can believe anything .. The proof is there why not post that !
And the rest......
Don't you love how, when you're dealing with democrats in Clown World,...
...elections boil down to HOW MUCH cheating they get to do, was it widespread ENOUGH to change the outcome of the election;
and impeachment for bribery depends on HOW MUCH bribery the so-called "president" is profiting from....
...while in Sane World, ANY systemic or deliberate election fraud immediately disqualifies the candidate, regardless of HOW MUCH cheating they did, and the candidate who got the most votes without cheating is declared the winner;
...and ANY bribery involving the so-called "president" results in impeachment, regardless of HOW MUCH bribery it was.
Then the house Republicans are blind bc there's so much more
And they are pissed ….
That they only got a t-shirt
Hang them all
Can I get a loan that’ll be come a grant after GITMO Joe? Kek!
Confiscate all bribes and assets and divide amongst every taxpayer as a one time tax free credit.
True, the Real Number is Hunters 1 BILLION Dollar Loan that went to one of his Companies, then just disappeared.....