Schwab and his butt buddy Soros need to be brought to heel. Handcuffs and leg irons while on a one way flight to Gitmo. A quick trial and then lets see how long they can twirl on a rope before their necks break. That would be a good ending for this story.
I like your comment ,, we need to stop playing nice ,, we can offer them Jesus once they are waiting for the rope to be wrapped ,, until then we have to stop the the mentality … “we need to love them with kindness, love and kindness will bring them to the Lord “ I heard this in here once !
That’s a lie from the pit of hell .. these maggot demons have already turned over their lives .. spirit soul ( mind) and body over to the devil, they need to be executed ! Period !
Schwab and his butt buddy Soros need to be brought to heel. Handcuffs and leg irons while on a one way flight to Gitmo. A quick trial and then lets see how long they can twirl on a rope before their necks break. That would be a good ending for this story.
I would like his last meal to be eating ze bugs, force fed. Measure his happiness level.
I like your comment ,, we need to stop playing nice ,, we can offer them Jesus once they are waiting for the rope to be wrapped ,, until then we have to stop the the mentality … “we need to love them with kindness, love and kindness will bring them to the Lord “ I heard this in here once ! That’s a lie from the pit of hell .. these maggot demons have already turned over their lives .. spirit soul ( mind) and body over to the devil, they need to be executed ! Period !