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A reminder...
Part of the Covid Hospital Protocol was injecting patients with Fentanyl.
Fentanyl is 50 to 100 times stronger than Morphine.
I didn't know that. Opioids do what to breathing?
I can't think of a single reason to inject Fentanyl, other than to forcefully incapacitate the patient so they could conduct the rest of the protocol and to ensure they cannot speak to their loved ones to tell them what was really going on.
Here is the full Covid Hospital Protocol.
The vaccines were Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) and were only legal if no other remedy existed. If Ivermectin or HCQ were proven to have efficacy, then the vaccines would become illegal.
The following studies were shown to ICU doctors administering the Covid Hospital Protocols and yet they did nothing to counter the protocols and as far as I am concerned conducted the murders of hundreds of thousands of Americans and millions of people worldwide.
Prophylaxis: 85% success rate Early use: 62% success rate Late use: 41% success rate
Where did you find that out about fentanyl?
Personal experience with a covid patient in a covid icu ward.
Might be a good idea to mention that up front I think.
Fentanyl is simply used in very, very small amounts in very, very specific use cases where someone has become resistant to morphine. That is the use case. Rather than upping the dosage of morphine which can create a massive overdose issue, they use a low dosage of a more potent drug (fentanyl) to administer treatment.
Why it would be used in a protocol like that is absolutely cause for concern. After all, the pain isn't the issue with a respiratory illness.
In the scenario I am aware of, I believe fentanyl was used to "knock the patient out." The patient was 100% isolated from family, 100% against intubation, and they needed to remove resistance, hence the fentanyl and handcuffs. The patient coded at this time, no doubt fighting like hell to keep the intubation tube out. The patient survived the code, but the protocol took its toll over 14 days and the patient passed.
Also, I forgot a major part of the covid hospital protocol.
Remdesivir has a 50% chance of shutting your organs down and zero benefit in treating covid.
Edit: If Remdesivir was administered, it provided a huge cash bonus to hospitals treating covid patients.
I had not heard of Fentanyl being a part of hospital protocol, but it would not surprise me.
Remember the man who was in an auto accident - with absolutely no respiratory issues - who woke up in a hospital bed with IVs and intubation? He removed everything himself, left AMA, and went home, all while nurses fought to keep him in his bed. In his later interviews, he seemed quite shaken by the whole experience.
He was very, very lucky to have escaped with his life.
"I hate to tell you this, but your government is trying to kill you." Max Igan
This would be a great billboard on some highways.
Edit to add: I meant certain highways.
That is a great post. The bottom line is the government wants us dead, otherwise they would stop the following that leads to death: increased childhood vaccines since the 1970’s-the small number ov vaccines back then was taking to long to make and kill so Big Pharma escalated the number of unproven vaccines without adequate safety or efficacy testing with the blessings of the CDC, FDA and NIH, the government turned a blind eye to drug trafficking and child trafficking because they both kill sooner rather than later, the judicial system down played crimes in order to aide and abet the increase, the Rockefellers took over the medical schools and thwarted the use of naturalistic cures to make people sicker, cures were suppressed, chem trails, GMOs, and fluoride were added to the air, land and water to make us sick, wars were entered to kill our young men and women and the different contraceptives and abortion were touted as safe and effective. Find one thing that the government has promoted that has increased our health, saved lives and strengthened the family unit.
Our ‘health’ system is a death trap
Yes, I totally agree. I am a retired RN, my eyes began to open in the early 1990’s and the Covid push fully opened them. I trust zero doctors and hospitals. I have been through 5 doctors in 8 years and they are all incompetent fools, who act as robots to keep their income. (I only see them for renewal of my blood pressure medicine. I am trying to replace my blood pressure medicine with herbals and weight loss.). All they want to do is push vaccines (Covid, flu, shingles, pneumonia), mammograms, and colonoscopies.
The number of ways I've seen fentanyl misspelled is too damn high
But also yes
Noted, apologies
A "little tiny bit" will kick your ass and that's not what it's for.
Avoid opioids. Do yourself a favor in the long run.
Second generation antihistamines will usually be better -- not Benadryl which is a first gen.
Just for Fun
As in the odds of getting it off the street: nil