Now Do You Understand? Gaetz: "THIS Is An EXERCISE To Show The AMERICAN PEOPLE Who Really Governs You"
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This is what we have been seeing the past 3 years.
But not all Blackhats are actors. Since are actual cabal puppets. They are being controlled by the white hats in multiple layers. Some of them truly believe they are taking orders from their overlords. But in fact the overlords are also controlled by the white hats.
A lot of this is real with very fine control through this multi layered puppetry.
yes I agree think many are puppets controlled by masters at various levels; CGI, soul possession, etc. fascinating to think about, but explains So much🐸
But in the end, we will be surprised to see how many of these were controlled purely by good 'ole greed. You dont even need to promise them the world. Just a little extra bonus or a free dinner should do.