Patrick Henry said give me liberty or give me death and is a founding father. Mcarthyism was the red scare where we ousted commies.
The Q team is literally having a blast with this.
I’m just saying what are the odds..and no one seems to be talking about it
Top Kek. Hat Tip to the white hats and all the operators out there making this happen.
Tomorrow, instead of wrapping my phone in tinfoil and burying it, I will be watching very closely!
I hope. I’m not going to get too excited till we see an EMS alert but I find it funny we see all this zombie apocalypse 5g stuff right as we may be upon the much awaited alert. Almost like they want people scared
God’s got this. Not worried about a thing.
Amen to that.
Word. Thanks for the reminder! 🙏
Zombie Apocalypse 5G?
I'm on vacation thos past 10 days did I miss something?
Nope, just the flat-earth victims of public education whining about 5G.
Yes because the WHO and FDA declared 5g safe and effective, so it must be so.
Heres a decent collection of studies to get you started.
Welcome back, we're all gonna die!!! 😆
Frankly I've been nothing but excited since Hillary lost
jack i also thought of that yesterday,to wrap it or not to wrap it,well wifey left out this morning with her foil pouch i have mine ready to wrap,Think i 'll call it a wrap,and if it is the big one were all waiting for ,we'll know it afterwards
The liberals are already zombies. How can we tell the difference?