Look what shows up on Google. Was it always like this?
LET'S GOOoOoooo!!!
Comments (8)
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You did a direct search of the url. It was likely always that way. A search for Great Awakening is a better test.
^ THAT. I work in this field and when you key in a search that includes a domain, like 123.com, Google will render the domain at the top of results. A search for 'great awakening' and this domain isn't even on page 1. Also, google gives precedence to .COMs and .ORGs and .G0Vs.
.WIN is way down the totem pole
Can confirm it's nowhere to be found
Hi fren
I'll take this one down. See the other comments.
Yeah.. misunderstood. There was news in CISA regarding censorship, which is why I shared..
Sure, would you like me to remove the other similar post?
Yes thank you
Sure thing. There is no need for you to delete either post unless you want to.