posted ago by BigFreedomBoner ago by BigFreedomBoner +106 / -0

Sitting in office across the way. I'm friendly with my neighbor even though he is the Democrat candidate for a local position. He's not a woketard and is convinced all of that crap is what will sink him if he doens't win.

So this nice volunteer and older guy I noticed before. Has maybe a little TBI. Talks slow. He starts going off on on MAGA Republicans. I tell him I'm actually MAGA but not really much of a Republican anymore. I lay into it.

"I tell you friend, why is it Democrats give you what they promise? We get nothing when we win. Why is it every single time for every year, we never get anything but promises and disappointment. And I'll tell you what, you guys were right about Iraq. I was wrong. George Bush is a traitor and should be tried for war crimes. He is a liar and Republicans are just a different brand of the same uniparty.. a uniparty that is united against just one guy for some reason. Why is it all the politically powerful can't stand Donald Trump? What has Donald Trump gained?. Why is it everyone else gets richer when they get into politics. Donald Trump was already rich. He's gotten poorer. He was already famous. He couldn't become more famous. He didn't need to become president or some other politician, but the rest of them sure do. And think about this, Ted Cruz' wife works for Goldman Sachs, ffs. Sure Ted Cruz has a whole constitutional scholar act he puts on to fund raise off of, but he is a total phony owned by the central bankers. Lindsay Graham? Nevermind, I don't want to relive all this, just trust me, you can't possibly detest Republicans more than I do. I was abused and lived through the lies and lies. I passionately defended their lies. So you can have my R, but you can't take away my MAGA Trump "

Good Lord. It really seemed a lightbulb went off. He got what I was saying. Maybe because I admitted my own mistakes in believing George Bush and the rest of our government's perpetual lie machine . Maybe it was just the logic. But he was really getting it.

he comes back every week so I'll check and get an update.