posted ago by SirAlan ago by SirAlan +30 / -0

So we all know millions of "military" aged males have come across the boarder. IT IS TIME TO STOP TALKING ABOUT THEM ENTERING THE US. THEY ARE HERE!!!! They have dispersed throughout the US. NOW, think how fast BLM arrived to terrorize our cities... even in small towns. They were bussed in and bang.. started burning etc. So, what will happen if that was just a warm up. Think millions throughout the US. Our police, sheriffs, and National Guard are NOT ready to respond to that order of magnitude of riots. Think what just happened in Israel. That would be a small skirmish compared to what is possible here. You may have a gun, but can you defend your home against bus loads of wackos. Can you depend on your neighbors. The questions is, WHAT THE HELL HAVE ALL THESE ILLEGALS BEEN ALLOWED TO COME IN THE US, AND WHAT ARE THEY GOING TO BE DOING?? I look forward to your comments.