Morpheus : The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work... when you go to church... when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.
Neo : What truth?
Morpheus : That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else you were born into bondage. Into a prison that you cannot taste or see or touch. A prison for your mind.
The world has revolved around a crooked media for over a century now. We have watched our nation’s wealth get plundered dozens of times. We’ve eroded to a state where debt is currency to a large part of our population, and certain populations are allowed to collect welfare and/or loot. We are being forced to watch violence explode while being asked to disarm ourselves.
Student loans were being handed out like confetti for a generation about to see a stagnation that nobody ever warned them about. Obamacare (ACA) came out, and if you’re not rich enough then daddy government essentially becomes your healthcare provider. If you refuse, you still pay them for it in taxes. Big Pharma hits some low hanging fruit and creates a wave of junkies through opioids.
Gen X and Boomers get their retirement shocked through a housing crisis. Now your car is going to destroy the world, and the nearest replacement costs more than a decent boat. Housing was soaring, so it seems like a good time to double down because you got nothing left to lose. Interest rates are through the roof now, so you can’t even consider selling. On top of that, you just took a couple experimental shots that may be killing you.
We are being simultaneously invaded while sending out hundreds of billions of our dollars to other countries.
It’s all madness, and our crooked media lies to our face day in and day out to tell us that it is normal, more or less. It wasn’t that long ago that Fox News was filled with “conservatives” that would never even mention the obvious election fraud. When Trump came back from his social media hiatus, the silence of election fraud was finally lifted. It was like little whispers becoming a voice. Listening to them now, it’s almost convincing that they didn’t lie to your face with their silence so recently.
The definitive moment that you know you are a slave, is when your vote no longer matters in the large part of society.
Trump has woken so many people up by just speaking the truth on as large of a platform as possible. If he can tell the truth and, in turn, get the media to lie on the same topic, then the viewer has an option of who to believe. The uglier the truth, the bigger the bait for the media to pick it up. They have a large number of subdued Christian conservatives that are very accepting of their demise. The numbers are dwindling though.
Trump used to brag that he was keeping the MSM ratings alive, and now he is proving it by operating in the shadows. He wins debates by not showing up. He gets 200M+ views on an interview on Twitter while not even being on Twitter. He draws huge crowds to his rallies without even being televised. His indictments and mugshot, which would kill any other candidate, boosts his poll numbers.
President Trump has sacrificed his reputation, fame, fortune, etc just to show us who are the real enemies of the USA and Western civilization. Meanwhile has inspired generations with hope about making America great and being proud of our country.
In addition he has given us a blueprint on how to move forward for the next 50 to 100 years. Push back against wokeness in local school board, be involved with community, talk to neighbors, clean up communities, help the younger generation to be productive US LEGAL citizens, etc...
This essay from the Conservative Tree House informs us of what and who we are really up against.
Slowly at First, Then All at Once ….. Have you ever boiled milk?
October 8, 2023 | Sundance
Read it and pass it on.
The world has revolved around a crooked media for over a century now. We have watched our nation’s wealth get plundered dozens of times. We’ve eroded to a state where debt is currency to a large part of our population, and certain populations are allowed to collect welfare and/or loot. We are being forced to watch violence explode while being asked to disarm ourselves.
Student loans were being handed out like confetti for a generation about to see a stagnation that nobody ever warned them about. Obamacare (ACA) came out, and if you’re not rich enough then daddy government essentially becomes your healthcare provider. If you refuse, you still pay them for it in taxes. Big Pharma hits some low hanging fruit and creates a wave of junkies through opioids.
Gen X and Boomers get their retirement shocked through a housing crisis. Now your car is going to destroy the world, and the nearest replacement costs more than a decent boat. Housing was soaring, so it seems like a good time to double down because you got nothing left to lose. Interest rates are through the roof now, so you can’t even consider selling. On top of that, you just took a couple experimental shots that may be killing you.
We are being simultaneously invaded while sending out hundreds of billions of our dollars to other countries.
It’s all madness, and our crooked media lies to our face day in and day out to tell us that it is normal, more or less. It wasn’t that long ago that Fox News was filled with “conservatives” that would never even mention the obvious election fraud. When Trump came back from his social media hiatus, the silence of election fraud was finally lifted. It was like little whispers becoming a voice. Listening to them now, it’s almost convincing that they didn’t lie to your face with their silence so recently.
The definitive moment that you know you are a slave, is when your vote no longer matters in the large part of society.
Trump has woken so many people up by just speaking the truth on as large of a platform as possible. If he can tell the truth and, in turn, get the media to lie on the same topic, then the viewer has an option of who to believe. The uglier the truth, the bigger the bait for the media to pick it up. They have a large number of subdued Christian conservatives that are very accepting of their demise. The numbers are dwindling though.
Trump used to brag that he was keeping the MSM ratings alive, and now he is proving it by operating in the shadows. He wins debates by not showing up. He gets 200M+ views on an interview on Twitter while not even being on Twitter. He draws huge crowds to his rallies without even being televised. His indictments and mugshot, which would kill any other candidate, boosts his poll numbers.
H/T u/StoryTimeHour/
President Trump has sacrificed his reputation, fame, fortune, etc just to show us who are the real enemies of the USA and Western civilization. Meanwhile has inspired generations with hope about making America great and being proud of our country.
In addition he has given us a blueprint on how to move forward for the next 50 to 100 years. Push back against wokeness in local school board, be involved with community, talk to neighbors, clean up communities, help the younger generation to be productive US LEGAL citizens, etc...
This essay from the Conservative Tree House informs us of what and who we are really up against.
Slowly at First, Then All at Once ….. Have you ever boiled milk?
October 8, 2023 | Sundance Read it and pass it on.
Absofuckinlutely he has....👌🙏🏻
/u/catsfive...What a respill?...🐸😂Apologies, I had to say it...🤣😆
We are all frens in this war. Everyone has a part. Even you can wake up a normie.
Great post 👑sir catsfive!
We will Meme them until they cry, then we Shall make meme about them crying !
ReSpills? Cleanup on aisle 5!!!
Free refills? Gimme the RED!!!
This is amazing. Really great job to whomever made it.