Fast track to citizenship for immigrants if they sign up for military
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THIS is what [they] have wanted all along, a military that has no allegiance to the Constitution and that can be manipulated any way the DS wants, right here in America.
If this goes forward, there should be a hard and fast provision that such soldiers will ONLY be stationed outside the US and NEVER deployed WITHIN the US.
You got that soooooo right! Our elected officials have no allegiance & dual citizenships. Why not our military.
Ancient Rome had entire armies made up of non-Roman citizens. Look what happened to them.
Oh great, put weapons in the hands of the terrorists AND give them a disguise AND embed them.
My French culinary teacher did the same.
Ummmm. NO!
Learn English first and they should also not be able to vote for at least 6 years to get through the full cycle!
The last thing this country needs is a bunch of Anti-Americans to have easier access to high-powered weapons via military.
well that is just fukin brilliant now we will have our own military shooting at each other....this shit just keeps getting better and better.....this country is in deep Kimchi....if something doesnt happen soon we wont have a country......
Damn, you had to disparage KimChi… I love my KimChi. My breath stinks after but fuk em’
you got it brother but here we are........
Our own citizens can’t pass the requirements to get in the military and yiou are going to fast track 3rd world aliens with limited to no education? WTF? You just justified another gun for my armory. Moar ammo Please!
Military that will follow orders to shoot on Americans
Wasn't that fort hood mass killer mooslim?
Yes. We need to go back to having specific groups ineligible for elected office because of their personal priorities.communists & Muslims. We also need to do more citizenship revoking & deportation for people who are abjectly adverse to American law & harm citizens for political & religious reasons. Why house them, just kick them out.
What country are they going to fight for???
No thanks.
They have been doing this for many years.
Not with the illegal fighting men in the current volumes from communist countries, they hadn't
The US Military, which I am retired from, is looking like the French Foreign Legion...Questions?
Congratulations! You're American citizens now, welcome to the Zionist meat grinder.