🇮🇱 vs 🇺🇸 This guy is NOT an American, LOOK at his clothing, he is a SOLDIER in a foreign Military....
This is NOT our Friend or Representative, he is a FOREIGN SPY, and should by all allowed Laws, be Killed where he stands.... 🇺🇸 FIRST, everyone else last....🇺🇸 🇺🇸
Wtf his legs
He lost his legs serving in the US Army special forces in Afghanistan. He also served after his injuries as a volunteer in the IDF for a short period of time. The man has a Purple heart, Bronze Star, Medal for Valor and Meritorious Service Medal from his US Army Deployment in Afghanistan.
Doesnt change the fact that serving in the military of a foreign nation makes you A FUCKING TRAITOR!
He should have lost his citizenship in America, regardless of any other achievements.
If he is supporting any foreign country to that extent ... GTFO.