It worries me this ship could be the sacrificial lamb, the carrier was commissioned in 1977 and is due to be replaced around 2029. If your going to have a carrier attacked to start WWlll, this would be the one.
That’s what I’m saying. Sorry about the sarcasm. If Q plan is in full effect and Israel was indeed saved for last. USA will actually be delivering the punishment. If the Q plan went to hell and they are not in control. I think Syria and Iran are the targets.
It worries me this ship could be the sacrificial lamb, the carrier was commissioned in 1977 and is due to be replaced around 2029. If your going to have a carrier attacked to start WWlll, this would be the one.
Imagine the environmental impact of a nuclear carrier going down in the Med.
Who has the weapons to attack? Who has attacked the US before to draw us into war?
Will they be a sitting duck like the last time, or will they be ready to respond this time?
What is a "duck last"?
should have read 'like', thanks corrected.
God bless each and every one of them, watch over them and bring them home safely.
Move along.
Our enemies plot years in advance.
Gulf of Tonkin demands more innocent Americans die so we can have more innocent Americans die!
For real. Sad what our dual citizens in government will do for their real homeland.
For what? Didn’t know Palestine had a navy…. This is ridiculous
They might not be going for Palestine?
Palestine is in no position to be the agressor.
That’s what I’m saying. Sorry about the sarcasm. If Q plan is in full effect and Israel was indeed saved for last. USA will actually be delivering the punishment. If the Q plan went to hell and they are not in control. I think Syria and Iran are the targets.
Don't apologize for the sarcasm. It's about the only refuge for sanity these days.