Leading report “BREAKING: Department of Defense consultant says that the United States Space Force has proof that the 2020 election was stolen, but that the information was withheld in order to avoid the outbreak of civil war.” - receipts and more sources wanted, the dam has to break eventually
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
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Did you get vaccinated, then? Can I assume yes?
And to avoid any misinterpretation, I'll explain more directly:
We are in a 5G pysop war. DJT says things, but we do not always know WHY he says things. That takes thinking and analysis. Do I trust DJT? 100%. Did I take the vaccinations? No. The world needs people who will think, use reasoning and analysis. This is one of the goals of the Q operation. A simplistic "Trump said she's amazing so she MUST be legitimate" doesn't cut the mustard. There is a LOT more to consider. THAT is using logic. Not just assuming that one's own conclusions are right for whatever reason.