99 Senators Sign On To Hamas Resolution Except Rand Paul
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Good for him.
smart man
Rand Paul for VP. President Trump’s VP will be No. 48!
Did Q say 99% were corrupt? Was he wrong?
It would be interesting to hear why Sen. Paul voted against it.
I am hoping it is in part from advice from his father.
Interesting that the House of Representatives, which shares fiscal responsibility with the Senate, has the authority to call a cease fire in a foreign country, if the United States had nothing financially to do with funding either Israel or Hamas. Technically, the United States would have to admit that they financed the war to begin with to authentically call a cease fire in either Israel or Gaza. Civics 101, y'all.
The House doesn't share fiscal responsibility. All spending bills must originate in the House. The Senate has to vote on the bills, but they can't originate any fiscal bills.
Sorry should have clarified! Lol thanks. But yes, point still stands, if the US isn't sponsoring the conflict, then why does their vote matter to Israel for a cease fire?
ONE. Only one fucking senator with principles. That's the best we can do?
I absolutely do not want the terror attacks they invited in through the border. But if they MUST happen, I've got a good idea where they should start.
Well to be fair, a few of them are too old and too far gone mentally to even know what is going on. But they would likely vote for the resolution if they understood it - they are all pretty much evil.
As for the terror attacks - if they are going to happen they better skip Texas. There are a bunch of us who would be on them in a heartbeat and are just waiting to take part, and serve our state and country again. I'm not talking about any of the militias that I'm sure are there - I mean everyday normal citizens and veterans who won't accept terror attacks. You have any idea how frustrating it is for Texas citizens to just have to stand by and watch these people invade our state and country? If they commit terror attacks in Texas it won't go well for them - no matter what the RINO gov or the Resident says.
His father taught him well. https://twitter.com/LPNational/status/1713973966203711760