On the other hand, there is also schizophrenia. I recently started watching the Rumble channel of a guy that used to deal with them, and believes they're hearing from outside entities (aka demons). They are constantly saying negative things.All the current medical establishment does is feed them drugs.
Schizophrenia can be caused by T. gondii, so for any schizo patient I would definitely want to run them through a battery of albendazol, fenbendazol, and ivermectin (plus, Zinc and HCQ for good measure). A carpet bombing of B Complex would not be a bad idea either.
Run these ideas by one's doctor, of course, before starting anything. But I would bet these are ideas most doctors have never thought about.
This is absolutely fascinating and makes complete sense. We are told to take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ. We are also told that we are to think of good things, lovely things, and what we think matters. I'm sure not all are demons and some may have something else going on, but I'd bet a lot are and at least everything this guy has seen has been since it's been so consistent across all the patients. Makes you really reconsider how hard you are on yourself and really need to try to stay positive.
We now know dopamine levels in the frontal lobe can tell us much.
Think of a bowling alley. The gutter on one side is chronically low dopamine which is associated with clinical depression. The gutter on the other side is schizophrenia, which is now strongly associated with high dopamine but erratically released. There is a time element, where erratically released dopamine correlates with an erratic sense of the passage of time, as well as a breakdown of the cognitive barriers between internal thoughts along subjective time, and external reality and objective time.
The hearing of voices phenomena, especially with the common themes of conspiratorial paranoia and sacrificial messiah complexes, is a crossing of wires in the brain. Signal fidelity is shot all to hell, so their shorted antennas are picking up all kinds of stray voltage and the brain is constantly attempting to process and interpret it as some sort of coherent information.
Looking for root causes to address means getting away from simple genetic susceptibility. A match is needed in order to light an existing fuse, the fuse may be genetic but the match is environmental.
Schizophrenics, without exception, have deeply broken circadian mechanisms. There is a point of no return in terms of "fixing" them, but if ever and whenever schizophrenics get the correct kind of intervention (rarely) which means retooling their lifestyles for natural environments and the ancestral experience day/night cycles, and I mean getting extremely dialed into them (no immersion into modern tech, no blue light blaring screens, no bright LED night life), and they start living a life according to being outdoors in the daylight, being in the dark in the night time, and experiencing the variations of seasons, etc... THIS moves the needle way way waaaay back to functional and normal. Guaranteed.
On the other hand, there is also schizophrenia. I recently started watching the Rumble channel of a guy that used to deal with them, and believes they're hearing from outside entities (aka demons). They are constantly saying negative things.All the current medical establishment does is feed them drugs.
I also recently watched an interview with Dr Thomas Levy who says a possible cure for that condition is niacin. Sauce: https://www.jerrymarzinsky.com/list-of-lies and https://rumble.com/v3qg4e7-truth-about-schizophrenia-with-dr.-thomas-levy-unrestricted-truths-ep.-455.html
Schizophrenia can be caused by T. gondii, so for any schizo patient I would definitely want to run them through a battery of albendazol, fenbendazol, and ivermectin (plus, Zinc and HCQ for good measure). A carpet bombing of B Complex would not be a bad idea either.
Run these ideas by one's doctor, of course, before starting anything. But I would bet these are ideas most doctors have never thought about.
This is absolutely fascinating and makes complete sense. We are told to take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ. We are also told that we are to think of good things, lovely things, and what we think matters. I'm sure not all are demons and some may have something else going on, but I'd bet a lot are and at least everything this guy has seen has been since it's been so consistent across all the patients. Makes you really reconsider how hard you are on yourself and really need to try to stay positive.
We now know dopamine levels in the frontal lobe can tell us much.
Think of a bowling alley. The gutter on one side is chronically low dopamine which is associated with clinical depression. The gutter on the other side is schizophrenia, which is now strongly associated with high dopamine but erratically released. There is a time element, where erratically released dopamine correlates with an erratic sense of the passage of time, as well as a breakdown of the cognitive barriers between internal thoughts along subjective time, and external reality and objective time.
The hearing of voices phenomena, especially with the common themes of conspiratorial paranoia and sacrificial messiah complexes, is a crossing of wires in the brain. Signal fidelity is shot all to hell, so their shorted antennas are picking up all kinds of stray voltage and the brain is constantly attempting to process and interpret it as some sort of coherent information.
Looking for root causes to address means getting away from simple genetic susceptibility. A match is needed in order to light an existing fuse, the fuse may be genetic but the match is environmental.
Schizophrenics, without exception, have deeply broken circadian mechanisms. There is a point of no return in terms of "fixing" them, but if ever and whenever schizophrenics get the correct kind of intervention (rarely) which means retooling their lifestyles for natural environments and the ancestral experience day/night cycles, and I mean getting extremely dialed into them (no immersion into modern tech, no blue light blaring screens, no bright LED night life), and they start living a life according to being outdoors in the daylight, being in the dark in the night time, and experiencing the variations of seasons, etc... THIS moves the needle way way waaaay back to functional and normal. Guaranteed.