People Are Collapsing In China! Soon This Will Be You!
This is really important to see...... It provides insights to when crisis actors goes epidemically mainstream. We are already starting to see this here...... How does anyone break the cycle of fear of lawsuits (lawfare) and helping those who really need help?
Hey Narg, the above video is not pandemic-related this time. Go and watch it. It is about people fake falling down when someone accidentally touches them so they can sue the other person for large monetary damages. It is a 'thing' in China to never help someone if they collapse or trip or you may be subjected to being sued as the Good Samaritan and lose your livelihood.
Thanks for the head's-up, CasuallyObservant. I didn't see that there WAS a link; here's my response to OP's comment to me:
Ah! I didn't actually think there WAS a link, because the "People Are Collapsing In China! Soon This Will Be You!" line is in white, not blue. (I'm using GA in Night Mode, if that makes any difference). I thought it was just a line of text. Got it now . . . Interesting video. Good example of how bad governance can cause ruination in unexpected ways.
Sorry about the confusion.
And of course, bad governance in the West is ruining society as well, in many ways.
Things are falling apart more quickly now.