According to this substack with graphs, 17 million worldwide have lost their lives from the jab. They suspect 100x this have adverse effect health conditions.
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
I don't know what to think. Everyone in my family except myself, my husband and one uncle are jabbed to the max. I haven't really seen any health issues except for two males in their 50's getting cancer. I had read that 95% of the jabs were saline or at least not deadly/incapacitating. I hope that's true. I fear for my family and friends.
"I had read that 95% of the jabs were saline or at least not deadly/incapacitating."
You read wrong. The globalist de-populationists were never going to shoot that low. The majority of people vaxxed will be dead within 10yrs. It sucks but that's how many people failed the IQ test, many of my family members included. They wouldn't listen to me, so c'est la vie.
That's my benchmark. A lot dead 5 years from their vaxx. Most/everyone dead 10 years from the vaxx. That way it's possible they might be able to blame the deaths on something else.
That's a bingo!
What I had read was out of VAERs - that only like 5% of the batches were truly deadly. Do you have experience in real life of someone you know who was vaxxed dying or getting a debilitating illness? I'm just not seeing it. Like Covid - I don't know anyone who died from that.
7 people/related @ my work died:
-1 Father of a co-worker
-1 Mother of a cow-worker
-3 older male co-workers
-1 Manager’s mother
-1 co-worker’s wife
Yes, I do have experience in real life. 2 otherwise healthy 1 family member and 1 friend of mine both died of heart attacks withing 6mos. of getting jabbed. 3 other jabbed family members have auto immune disorders that came withing 12months of the jab. Many other family members that are sick at least once a month or more, including my jabbed mother. My household along with my 84yr. old father are jab free and no ones been sick a single time since 2020 (my father included). I got them all on a daily regimen of quercetin, zinc, vitamin D3. Not so much as the sniffles. I also lost 2 childhood friends after they had "covid" and they like everyone who died of it, died in the hospitals, after they hooked them up to ventilators and murdered them!! I forgot to mention the 10 people (family and friends) that have come down with cancer, 3 dead already after turbo pancreatic cancer set in. They were all dead in 3months. All 10people were jabbed.
Another point to make here is that "we the living" are very focused on the living, and on how many of them are dying.
Good. Not best.
"Best thinking" here, it seems to me, is to focus on birth rates. Our Adversary thinks long term, and looks at us as a herd, not a body politic. Or, perish the thought, a bunch of Godly individuals.
This vaxx has done great harm to our birth rate. And that may have been the primary objective from the start.
Trump was prez tho runnin' dat warp
the idea ppl are running with right now is that Trump forced the vaccine to release before it was ready
( think of Gandalf forcing Sauran’s hand too early in The Hobbit trilogy )
Many in our family and community and friends are dead or have cancer.
Mine too. It's horrifying.
So sorry.
95% is wishful thinking but 50% is likely a minimum due to worldwide manufacturing capacity shortfall.
Lost 4 friends this year from things they shouldn'thave died from. 1 from pulmonary embolism, early in the year. 40 years old. Supposedly in good health. 2 from brain aneurysms, 2 weeks from each other, 43 and 45 yrs. Both in supposedly good shape. And a healthy 34 year old, in good shape, had a heart attack on his dirt bike, which he rode daily. I KNOW of a lot more than that too.
Everyone is seeing oddities. Some covidiots are doubling down because their ego cannot accept they were tricked.
It's easier to fool someone than it is to convince them they've been fooled. Samuel Clemens quote, I don't think it's exactly that, but you get the point.