There is no subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency. The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and does it in a manner which not one man in a million is able to diagnose. — John Maynard Keynes
Every corporation and system that grows up around a corrupted money trust becomes corrupted and controlled by that trust. The WEF is the end result. Corporations, controlled by WEF assets directing culture art and business to shape society for their own benefit. That is all. The dying Fed was meant to push us onto CBDC thou shall not buy nor sell. It was always the end goal. So what now? Are we reaching the end of the book of Isaiah?
Just guessing....
The Bankers were going to bury the naked shorts from all over in the collapse of the market but Trump took over the Fed and didn't allow the markets to crash. Citadel took the hot Potato during GME Squeeze. Gamestop/Cohen play locked them into it. Citadel was probably promised the title of too big to fail for playing their part in the scheme.
Unfortunately for them, Trump and team were watching it all. Secondarily, the public was being educated on the schemes via Reddit, GA etc.
I am guessing old Kenny Boy won't get the title he so desperately wants and instead will spend the rest of his life behind bars.
Thanks for this post. The Citadel information filled a gap in my understanding about the GME squeeze.
and president Desantis won’t be making LaMayo treasury Secretary. Poor baby. When cnbc had Bill Gates on to comment about GME I knew something was up. It makes zero sense. The media has been too heavy handed. Too much “it’s over just sell… don’t look over here”. As Q said, to be blunt “GAME OVER”. I don’t think the AI algo has been programmed for the DRS movement. Retail basically is saying we’re going to stop playing. AI is great for predicting based on past events but this hasn’t happened before.
Bill Gates is now a financial expert? No it was comms. Propaganda.
Keynes screw system of economics was perfect for fiat. He knew it. It was purposeful.
Funny you should quote Keynes. Keynesian economics is the cornerstone of the Fiat based financial debt slavery ponzi system that requires wars and global destruction events to keep itself afloat! Keynes gave all the intellectual cover necessary for this.
In the modern day, Keynesian economics has become warped to the point where the Left ell you that you MUST print as much money as you require to implement all leftist agenda, because, according to Keynes, markets corrects itself and gets rid of the excess currency through "market forces" (aka Wars and depressions).
That said, this series by u/simon_says is a MUST read for all Anons.
Q was pretty straightforward I thought "Gold shall end the FED"
And him saying we have the gold. Now with BRICS eyeing up gold it looks like the new financial world order is going to be in assets and metals not CDBC.
I think it’s gold shall end FED.
The last two posts are def about central banking.
For another avenue to dig into is: What if FED means Foreign Exchange Department. That is a specialized department for funding imports and exports and facilitates foreign currency exchange. Could that Q drop have meant both?
We were here before DJT was President.
Side note: John Keynes was a son of a rich family, a libertine hedonist and a pedophile. In other words he was in the club that you ain't in. His economic theories have pretty much destroyed our system. Of course, it was by design.
Correct. A monetary system set up by a pedophile, where the trafficking of children is a byproduct. Shocking I tell ya. And isn’t it weird how all these wealthy people like Keynes and Marx are so concerted about working people, they set up social systems that promise to the middle classs yet only enrich the upper. Almost like…. It’s by design.