simon_says 1 point ago +1 / -0

Getting our country back.

But that can only be done by a public process of justice taking place. In whatever form.

simon_says 1 point ago +1 / -0


You can see the rotors here.

...That said, I have seen reports that there may be some exotic craft mixed into all of this, muddying the waters. Despite that, it appears that this event, as a whole, is an affair centering about traditional drones.

simon_says 3 points ago +3 / -0

Would be interesting to see if the command-and-control transmissions abide by FCC spectrum regulations.

A drone from China/Russia/etc would never do that.

But a drone from a domestic defense contractor that is intended to operate in "friendly" skies in a defensive posture certainly would. Assuming that intended purpose, then this also makes sense of the inclusion of navigation lights.

simon_says 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm here to help.

Thanks for the kind words.

simon_says 4 points ago +4 / -0

That's what I think.

You can look all the videos that people in NJ have been posting. These are ordinary drones, flying based on ordinary principles. They have rotors -- you can see them -- these are not exotic craft. (Exotic crafts appear to exist, but these particular crafts are just drones.)

We absolutely can shoot these down, if we cared to, and we absolutely can track them and jam them. Yet we do none of that.

These drone fleets flying over NJ are ours.

Therefore they have a purpose.

simon_says 3 points ago +4 / -1

Bongino thinks the drones over New Jersey are part of an adversarial fleet.

He might be right. I'd like to ask some questions, because the size of the fleet, its low altitude flight paths, our lack of response, and certain other factors lead me to think they are ours.

Check here if you're interested.


simon_says 2 points ago +2 / -0

I hope not.

But I can't think of what else we'd be doing, other than searching for something with sensors that require some degree of proximity.

simon_says 6 points ago +6 / -0

Wish it weren't the case. But those drones are definitely ours -- and they're flying nightly in "flocks" for a reason.

And there are really only two use cases for drones: (1) blowing things up; and (2) looking for something.

We've deployed them over our own land. So we're not blowing something up. That means we're looking for something. And they're flying so low because they need to get the sensors proximal to the ground.

simon_says 4 points ago +4 / -0

False flag incoming?

simon_says 3 points ago +3 / -0


“They’re flying low, flying in flocks.”

You don’t say? Unfortunately, this fits together.

simon_says 16 points ago +16 / -0

Link: https://www.cmdworldwide.com/work

Speculation on my part.

They fly low because the sensors need to be within 1 km. They are blanketing the area because they don't know where the weapon is. They are staying quiet about it because they don't want to panic people.

EDIT: to be clear, I am asking: is it possible we have intelligence suggesting that there is some sort of weapon in NJ? And we are deploying a drone fleet like this to look for it?

Deployed at night, because the mobile RF power source needs to be installed in vehicles that move with the Relay Drones. So there can't be traffic congestion.

The Neutron Detector Drones fly so low because they have to be within 1 km of the target. So they'd fly much lower than 1 km. If you flew that at 1 km, you could detect one point on earth -- the point directly beneath the Neutron Detector Drone. You'd fly low to expand the region over which you could detect.

The reason we haven't tried to shoot down, jam, or track these drones that "are invading" NJ is because they are ours. No one would let hundreds of unknown drones fly over NJ night after night, if their provenance was truly unknown.

simon_says 3 points ago +3 / -0

What comes next?


simon_says 3 points ago +3 / -0

Whomever it may be, he's dead.

I'm eating cookies tonight!

simon_says 4 points ago +4 / -0

Had been my boys.

But this moment is urgent.

simon_says 1 point ago +1 / -0

Must. Listen.

If you've not tuned in, you will learn much. I promise.

simon_says 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sorry friends, I've been away... I'm really busy.

I do not have much time today and cannot elaborate, as I usually do.

(1) Francis is an antipope -- a criminal occupier of the See of Peter. He is not the pope.

(2) In October 3, 2020, he published "Fratelli Tutti" -- an "encyclical" laying out the purported philosophical moral basis for globalism, and, specifically or a world without borders, and an evisceration of property rights.

(3) https://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/encyclicals/documents/papa-francesco_20201003_enciclica-fratelli-tutti.html

(4) Read Fratelli Tutti, if you want the playbook.

(5) Francis is a globalist and a communist. He's in on everything.

(6) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WySwhj2SwE

(7) The above video took place on December 31, 2019 -- right before the world came to know of the COVID crisis. Note Francis shakes hands a greets everyone, and then turns from the only Chinese person. And when she grabs for him, he literally hits her. Francis knows that COVID is about to happen, and that it will start in China.

I say these things as a Catholic, myself.

I can elaborate and give a more comprehensive explanation probably in a few weeks.

Over and out.

simon_says 8 points ago +8 / -0

I'm in Tampa.

It's been grey (and rainy and cold) here for weeks. But summer was months of 95 F and sunny, day after day.

I haven't looked for any cloud seeding activity, so I haven't noticed any.

simon_says 1 point ago +1 / -0

$34T in debt.

Annual debt service payments in excess of $1T. Which is greater than our national defense budget.

Things are looking ugly.

Sorry to be slow -- haven't logged in for a while. I visit the site daily -- just haven't actually logged in.

simon_says 7 points ago +7 / -0

The list is so long, it's actually hard to keep up with.

Some glaring omissions:

-a wide-open Southern Border

-a drained Strategic Petroleum Reserve

-a foreign policy program that has left us teetering on the verge of WWIII

-a monetary policy that has allowed inflation to run rampant endlessly

I could really go on and on here. The failures are so plural that they thwart comprehensive enumeration.

Save America.

simon_says 2 points ago +2 / -0

Excellent find.

Not sure I agree that the root of the problem is the primary dealer system. The core of the problem is that there does not exist -- even on a global basis -- capacity to buy $3T of Treasurys annually. We can't legitimately market them. So we'll blip money into existence and buy them off the banks (our largest banks are the primary dealers, for those who may not know).

simon_says 3 points ago +3 / -0


And, while I am worth next to nothing... Our God listens and is attentive beyond what is merited.

You're wife is in trusted Hands. ...Which is to say: relax. She'll be healed.

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