The first thing I will say is that there is no money in researching something that does not result in creating a drug for Big Pharma to make money.
So, there is no research into my theory. But I will tell you what I think it is, based on what I have read others more educated in the subject say, and basic common sense.
First off, people in the Northern Hemisphere tend to "catch a cold" at different times of the year than people in the Southern Hemisphere. In the modern day of air travel, this does not make sense. In addition, there have been numerous attempts with thousands of subjects over several decades to try and prove that a virus or some sort of pathogen can cause a healthy person to become sick when exposed to a sick person and/or their snot/bodily fluids.
In the entire history of virology -- going back more than 100 years -- NOBODY has EVER been able to make ONE SINGLE PERSON SICK by exposing them to the bodily fluids of a sick person, and that includes putting those fluids in a healthy person's mouth, having them swallow, injecting it into their body, and numerous other methods. That does not make sense IF the narrative we are told is true.
I think what is really happening is that our bodies go through periods of detoxing from time to time, to remove toxins and poisons from our bodies. We live in a toxic world and most of us eat a garbage diet. The body can detox from this, little by little, throughout the year. But at some point, if the toxic load is too great, our bodies shut down and we go through a detox that is more powerful.
This makes sense if you think of your body as a self-cleaning organism. Certainly, wild animals have their good days and their bad days, but usually they recover after a period of rest. We humans also have bodies that can re-engergize and self-cleanse, if we allow it. But the modern lifestyle many people live today does not allow for the body to regroup fully. So, we detox in a much stronger way, when normal daily ongoing detox cannot keep up. This is when we "get sick."
Our bodies get fevers, which warm up the body to loosen things that need to be removed. We cough things out through our lungs. We build mucus that can surround these toxins and expel them through snot. We also defecate them out.
"Cold and flu" season is nothing more than an annual detox.
We have "cold and flu season" when the Sun gets lower in the sky, and we absorb/produce less Vitamin D. This slowdown of Vit D production is some sort of trigger for the body to detox. This is why it happens in Winter months -- but Winter is a different time of the year in each Hemisphere. Plus in the tropic zone, the cold and flu season is during the rainy months (again, less Sun exposure).
We can also be triggerd to detox by being around other people who are detoxing, just like if women live together in an apartment or sorority, their periods can synchronize. Our bodies communicate to others in ways we do not yet understand.
Sure, parasites are real. Bacteria is also real (though, how pathogenic is in question). But VIRUSES are not real.
How do people "catch" a parasite?
Let's take malaria as an example. It is caused by a parasite. Most people think we get it from mosquitos, but that is not the full answer.
The parasite actually starts in humans, then a mosquito bites an infected human, obtains the parpsite, and bites a healthy human, transferring it.
How did the first human get it? Probably from living in an environment that is toxic -- poor sanitation allows parasties to grow in the water and waste/sewage, and someone drinks infected water or obtains it in some other, direct way.
How do millions of people get sick with the same symptoms around the world if something isn't being transferred from one to the other? Just wondering what your research has showed you.
We have to be careful with this claim. What does "get sick" mean? One thing I noticed during Covid is that someone would say they "got Covid." I would then ask how they know, and they would say they tested positive. I would ask if they had any symptoms, and they usually would say no. This means they had a PCR test that showed a positive result, but the PCR has been proven to be a worthless scam when it comes to diagnosing illness. Even the inventor of PCR said so, though he had an untimely death immediately before the Covid scamdemic (died in August 2019).
So, people SAY they "got Covid" but really only had a false positive on a fake test.
Others merely had the detox I described, and normally that would be called a "cold" or "flu," but was re-labelled "Covid."
In 2020, the usual annual number of flu cases went down to almost zero, and the number of Covid cases was very close to the annual number of flu cases -- though this is even hard to really know since most of the so-called "Covid" cases were just made-up false diagnosis.
For MOST illnesses, it is all the exact same thing: Detox. It's just that we each exhibit symptoms differently. Acne, Small Pox, Measles, Chicken Pox, Polio ... these are all caused by toxins or poisons (polio was caused by a neurotoxin sprayed in the atmosphere), and our bodies must detox, which gives us the symptoms of illness.
Covid-19 was different in only one respect: It was a coordinated, worldwide psyop against the people of the world. Most of the people involved in the psyop probably mistakenly believed it was real. But if the underlying virus (SARS-CoV-2) does not exist, then it COULD NOT have been real.
Will watch your rumble offering for my own broader education. Thanks.
Yes, please do. The men on that video are not a random couple of dudes. They funded the reserach that German virologist Stephan Lanka did to prove that virsues are nothing more than microscopic debris that virologists falsely believe is some sort of pathogen.
I think we can look at detoxing like yawning. You look at someone else yawning, and suddenly you are doing it too! There is SO MUCH we do not understand about how the body works. The more I learn, the more I realize that science is filled with fools who pretend to know, construct elaborate methods based on flimsy theories and then teach others to repeat, especially if it enriches the drug companies. It's all a sham. We have much to learn, but it won't happen by following current fake science.
A couple of summers ago I worked in at a resort for the summer. At the end of the season there was a big covid scare at the same time I was leaving. Within a week I had flu like symptoms, chills, lack of appetite, no energy, no taste or smell. I felt bad for about 10 days. Would you attribute that to detoxing and group dynamics? And, the loss of smell and taste which so many people were saying was a symptom of this whatever it is was weird.
I believe the research that says there is no virus. How the human mind/body apparatus really functions to keep us well is such a mystery. That mystery has been hidden from us no doubt intentionally.
Thanks for your thoughtful answer. Definitely a lot to chew on.
Not a dumb question, at all. It is THEE question.
The first thing I will say is that there is no money in researching something that does not result in creating a drug for Big Pharma to make money.
So, there is no research into my theory. But I will tell you what I think it is, based on what I have read others more educated in the subject say, and basic common sense.
First off, people in the Northern Hemisphere tend to "catch a cold" at different times of the year than people in the Southern Hemisphere. In the modern day of air travel, this does not make sense. In addition, there have been numerous attempts with thousands of subjects over several decades to try and prove that a virus or some sort of pathogen can cause a healthy person to become sick when exposed to a sick person and/or their snot/bodily fluids.
In the entire history of virology -- going back more than 100 years -- NOBODY has EVER been able to make ONE SINGLE PERSON SICK by exposing them to the bodily fluids of a sick person, and that includes putting those fluids in a healthy person's mouth, having them swallow, injecting it into their body, and numerous other methods. That does not make sense IF the narrative we are told is true.
I think what is really happening is that our bodies go through periods of detoxing from time to time, to remove toxins and poisons from our bodies. We live in a toxic world and most of us eat a garbage diet. The body can detox from this, little by little, throughout the year. But at some point, if the toxic load is too great, our bodies shut down and we go through a detox that is more powerful.
This makes sense if you think of your body as a self-cleaning organism. Certainly, wild animals have their good days and their bad days, but usually they recover after a period of rest. We humans also have bodies that can re-engergize and self-cleanse, if we allow it. But the modern lifestyle many people live today does not allow for the body to regroup fully. So, we detox in a much stronger way, when normal daily ongoing detox cannot keep up. This is when we "get sick."
Our bodies get fevers, which warm up the body to loosen things that need to be removed. We cough things out through our lungs. We build mucus that can surround these toxins and expel them through snot. We also defecate them out.
"Cold and flu" season is nothing more than an annual detox.
We have "cold and flu season" when the Sun gets lower in the sky, and we absorb/produce less Vitamin D. This slowdown of Vit D production is some sort of trigger for the body to detox. This is why it happens in Winter months -- but Winter is a different time of the year in each Hemisphere. Plus in the tropic zone, the cold and flu season is during the rainy months (again, less Sun exposure).
We can also be triggerd to detox by being around other people who are detoxing, just like if women live together in an apartment or sorority, their periods can synchronize. Our bodies communicate to others in ways we do not yet understand.
Sure, parasites are real. Bacteria is also real (though, how pathogenic is in question). But VIRUSES are not real.
Let's take malaria as an example. It is caused by a parasite. Most people think we get it from mosquitos, but that is not the full answer.
The parasite actually starts in humans, then a mosquito bites an infected human, obtains the parpsite, and bites a healthy human, transferring it.
How did the first human get it? Probably from living in an environment that is toxic -- poor sanitation allows parasties to grow in the water and waste/sewage, and someone drinks infected water or obtains it in some other, direct way.
We have to be careful with this claim. What does "get sick" mean? One thing I noticed during Covid is that someone would say they "got Covid." I would then ask how they know, and they would say they tested positive. I would ask if they had any symptoms, and they usually would say no. This means they had a PCR test that showed a positive result, but the PCR has been proven to be a worthless scam when it comes to diagnosing illness. Even the inventor of PCR said so, though he had an untimely death immediately before the Covid scamdemic (died in August 2019).
So, people SAY they "got Covid" but really only had a false positive on a fake test.
Others merely had the detox I described, and normally that would be called a "cold" or "flu," but was re-labelled "Covid."
In 2020, the usual annual number of flu cases went down to almost zero, and the number of Covid cases was very close to the annual number of flu cases -- though this is even hard to really know since most of the so-called "Covid" cases were just made-up false diagnosis.
For MOST illnesses, it is all the exact same thing: Detox. It's just that we each exhibit symptoms differently. Acne, Small Pox, Measles, Chicken Pox, Polio ... these are all caused by toxins or poisons (polio was caused by a neurotoxin sprayed in the atmosphere), and our bodies must detox, which gives us the symptoms of illness.
Covid-19 was different in only one respect: It was a coordinated, worldwide psyop against the people of the world. Most of the people involved in the psyop probably mistakenly believed it was real. But if the underlying virus (SARS-CoV-2) does not exist, then it COULD NOT have been real.
Yes, please do. The men on that video are not a random couple of dudes. They funded the reserach that German virologist Stephan Lanka did to prove that virsues are nothing more than microscopic debris that virologists falsely believe is some sort of pathogen.
They are the worlds' experts on this subject.
I think we can look at detoxing like yawning. You look at someone else yawning, and suddenly you are doing it too! There is SO MUCH we do not understand about how the body works. The more I learn, the more I realize that science is filled with fools who pretend to know, construct elaborate methods based on flimsy theories and then teach others to repeat, especially if it enriches the drug companies. It's all a sham. We have much to learn, but it won't happen by following current fake science.
Your theory is interesting. But indeed people are passing around HIV and monkey pox.
Have you ever heard of the "10-Year Study?"
It was done a few decades ago, at the height of the AIDS scare/scam.
It was a study of around 100 (I think) married couples. Each couple had one person who was HIV+ and the other was HIV-.
The study lasted 10 years. During those 10 years, there were thousands of sexual acts for those couples.
In 10 years, with thousands of sexual acts between the HIV+ and HIV- person, do you know how many individuals who were HIV- became HIV+?
HIV is so-called "virus" and viruses DO NOT EXIST.
The test for HIV that was done was a FAKE test. It did NOT test for a virus. It merely manufactured false positives.
So no, HIV has never been something that has been "passed around."
Regarding so-called "Monkey Pox" --
A couple of summers ago I worked in at a resort for the summer. At the end of the season there was a big covid scare at the same time I was leaving. Within a week I had flu like symptoms, chills, lack of appetite, no energy, no taste or smell. I felt bad for about 10 days. Would you attribute that to detoxing and group dynamics? And, the loss of smell and taste which so many people were saying was a symptom of this whatever it is was weird.
I believe the research that says there is no virus. How the human mind/body apparatus really functions to keep us well is such a mystery. That mystery has been hidden from us no doubt intentionally.
Thanks for your thoughtful answer. Definitely a lot to chew on.