Trump exposes Israel's PM Bibi, "No two state solution."
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I wont hold my breath on any Biblical prophecies, simply because the Bibles we can read are all manipulated in many many layers, and its very hard to know what is true prophecy and what is false prophecy
Thank you for your honest analysis of the Biblical text. I'm so glad to hear that you have studied so hard to make this conclusion.
Please share with us some examples of where the layers have obscured the message, not just citing other sources.
In discussions about this topic, most are simply unaware of the massive amount of manuscripts and fragments the Bible has in its possession compared to other popular ancient writing (which no one questions).
Allow me to compare the manuscript evidence for the New Testament with some well-known ancient writings like Aristotle's works, Plato's works, and Homer's "Iliad":
The New Testament has a remarkable abundance of manuscript evidence, as previously mentioned. With over 24,000 manuscripts in various languages, it stands as one of the most well-attested ancient texts.
Some of the earliest fragments of the New Testament date back to the 2nd century (and some even to within 20 yrs of the original events - which is almost unheard of in ancient textual analysis), providing valuable early witnesses to the text.
This wealth of manuscript evidence allows for rigorous textual criticism and cross-referencing, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the New Testament.
Aristotle's Writings:
Aristotle's works, which cover a wide range of topics from philosophy to natural sciences, have survived through a variety of manuscripts.
While the manuscript tradition for Aristotle is significant, it doesn't approach the quantity or diversity of the New Testament. There are hundreds of extant manuscripts, but the earliest ones date to the 9th century or later.
Plato's Writings:
Plato's philosophical dialogues, including "The Republic" and "The Symposium," are key texts in Western philosophy.
The manuscript tradition for Plato is better than Aristotle's, with over 200 manuscripts, but it is still fewer in number compared to the New Testament. The earliest copies date to the late Middle Ages.
Homer's "Iliad":
Homer's epic poem "The Iliad" is a foundational work in Western literature.
The manuscript tradition for "The Iliad" is notable, with over 1,900 known manuscripts. Some fragments date back to the 3rd century BC, although complete manuscripts are generally later.
In comparison, the New Testament surpasses these ancient writings in terms of the sheer quantity and diversity of manuscript evidence. While Aristotle, Plato, and Homer's works have valuable manuscript traditions, they are generally later in dating and smaller in number compared to the New Testament, which has one of the most extensive and earliest manuscript traditions among ancient texts.
This extensive manuscript evidence is a significant factor in establishing the historical reliability and textual accuracy of the New Testament.
Thank you for this throw description of the truth of God’s word. Unfortunately, some will still deny Christ. It’s very sad, all we can do is pray for these people.
Thank you for sharing!
It appears you still have bubbles that need bursting. The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in the mid-20th century utterly destroys the “BUt dur bIBle hAs cHaNged” camp of critics, and is a significant testament to the accuracy and preservation of the Bible.
The DSS, which predate the oldest known copies of the Old Testament by a THOUSAND YEARS (with virtually NO variation), have provided invaluable insights into the biblical text’s consistency and reliability over the centuries.
And the meticulous work of scholars in comparing these scrolls with later manuscripts demonstrates the commitment to preserving the integrity of the Bible.
We can be 100% confident that the Bible we read today is what the original authors wrote down.
If I didn't read the rest of your comment, I would have assumed this was a sarcastic joke!
There is much to learn in the area of textual criticism as it pertains to the Biblical texts.
Fren, you want me to believe that a year before Israel was created a shephard walked into a cave and walked out with 2000 year old documents magically lying around there, that coincidentally legitimized not just the Israel that was created a year later, but all the prophesies surrounding Israel?
And you want me to take the word of researchers after we spent the last 3 years being educated how corrupt the scientific research has been?
No thanks. As a rule I believe anything important that happened in 1947 to be a major psyop, including creation of CIA, Roswell, etc.