There is no evidence the COVID we experienced wasn't the normal seasonal flu.
On the other hand we saw reports early on about people collapsing in public in China. More important is the response by the Chinese and the governments of the world was indicative of the belief that something deadly was definitely out there. The COVID we saw could not have created such a belief. The Chinese governments response could only be caused by their belief that they lost control of something.
It's possible that the disease they were afraid of was successfully contained by the extreme measures. Maybe the vaccine didn't work because it was designed for a disease that never spread through the US.
What are they doing? I doubt anyone is intentionally releasing anything. I'm guessing it's just incompetence. They primarily study dangerous diseases such as ebola to try to find a better cure before they spread. Gain of function is something you would do to weaponize a disease. The idea would be to make a disease that is harmful to your enemies but doesn't harm your population. It's a stupid idea.
Good point. If no ‘isolation’ has ever been accomplished then what is this coronavirus that has been defined as common cold in text books since basically forever?
Microbes have been blamed for getting people ‘sick’ since homosapiens have been wandering around the planet.
Keep living in that bubble
yessss and the wall street trading is not rigged
those in power do not traffic children and the doctors are benevolent experts and not blood sucking drug dealers ...
My theory?
There is no evidence the COVID we experienced wasn't the normal seasonal flu.
On the other hand we saw reports early on about people collapsing in public in China. More important is the response by the Chinese and the governments of the world was indicative of the belief that something deadly was definitely out there. The COVID we saw could not have created such a belief. The Chinese governments response could only be caused by their belief that they lost control of something.
It's possible that the disease they were afraid of was successfully contained by the extreme measures. Maybe the vaccine didn't work because it was designed for a disease that never spread through the US.
What are they doing? I doubt anyone is intentionally releasing anything. I'm guessing it's just incompetence. They primarily study dangerous diseases such as ebola to try to find a better cure before they spread. Gain of function is something you would do to weaponize a disease. The idea would be to make a disease that is harmful to your enemies but doesn't harm your population. It's a stupid idea.
And there is tons of evidence covid was the flu rebranded since flu reports were essentially zero through the hysteria days.
Yes, but even the flu must have a virus. And, if no virus has ever been isolated then what is making people sick?
Good point. If no ‘isolation’ has ever been accomplished then what is this coronavirus that has been defined as common cold in text books since basically forever?
Microbes have been blamed for getting people ‘sick’ since homosapiens have been wandering around the planet.
Well the flu…
Everyone gets it during the winter. A lot of people seem to get it annually. Generally speaking, I haven’t gotten flu in years,
I also haven’t seen birds migrating in years. Birds poop as they flew over locations, Ingesting bird poop is bad for you.
Flu. Flew.
I do believe that there WAS something extra in this Flew “Virus” (Latin: “Poison”). However, with no isolation, there’s no telling what.
“It definitely couldn’t have been anything added to all those chemtrails that Flew over us, though.”
Go figure, Nazis may be trying to gas people again. Definitely gaslighting.
Keep living in that bubble yessss and the wall street trading is not rigged those in power do not traffic children and the doctors are benevolent experts and not blood sucking drug dealers ...
I think we agree on those points.