Seeking advice - Nurse gave infant adult vaccine.
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
My wife took our child in for a 1 month appointment. They asked my wife if she wanted to give the child the RSV antinbody shot and she agreed. Later that day the doctor called and said the nurse mistakenly gave a full dose of the adult RSV vaccine. I don't what to do. Im tracking down what brand they gave and what lot number, ill update asap.
Anon, first of all I am so sorry to hear this happened. Checkout this site - it is the most comprehensive site about vaccine damage and has been there for years. I sincerely hope the baby will be okay and you will find he best way to undo this.
That said, please also consider this an opportunity to educate your wife about the dangers of vaccines. Only around 30% of the vaccines in the childhood schedule are actually necessary and the rest just accumulate toxins.
We have realised that taking children to doctors is a very dangerous process and its best if both the parents go together so that the doctors do not coerce one parent into doing things they dont want to.
Do you by chance know what the 30% necessary are? Just curious as to what those might be.
Didnt realise it was going to be so hard to find it. Even on Yandex I seem to get only pages criticising antivaxx. There is a name for that vaccine schedule that many parents use when they are not fully on board cutting off all vaccines. I have been scratching my head trying to find that name.
I know there were a few posts on GAW as well that talked about that schedule a whole ago. I will see if I can find it, but try searching for "minimal and safe vaccine schedule"
Thanks so much! You’re correct, any search on vaccines is pointless. It’s a goose chase. The best site I’ve ever found was posted here by u/vaccinescausesids. Whom, we haven’t heard from in a while! Very informative pede.
This website is the reason we recently chose to forgo all of them with our new addition.
glad to hear you decided not to vaccinate the new addition!