Seeking advice - Nurse gave infant adult vaccine.
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
My wife took our child in for a 1 month appointment. They asked my wife if she wanted to give the child the RSV antinbody shot and she agreed. Later that day the doctor called and said the nurse mistakenly gave a full dose of the adult RSV vaccine. I don't what to do. Im tracking down what brand they gave and what lot number, ill update asap.
Dear Fren,
I know you're panicking right now.
Please pray for your baby and keep a close eye on any symtoms.
Also, make a report to the VAERS registry, just to have it on file.
Demand the doctor give you advice on how to mitigate any possible side effects. In that vein, I found this, I hope it's true. The pertinent paragraph is below. Praying for you and baby.
If you administer too large a dose If you’ve administered too large a dose (e.g., you’ve given an “adult” dose to a child) instead of the correct dose of hepatitis A, hepatitis B, or influenza vaccine, inform the patient, parent or guardian of the administration error and document it in the medical record. This dose counts as valid. Although it is unlikely that your patient will suffer any untoward side effects from receiving a “double dose” of vaccine, using larger-than-recommended dosages can result in excessive local or systemic concentrations of antigens or other vaccine constituents. When errors of this nature occur, it is important to assess how the error happened and to implement strategies to ensure they will not be repeated. Administering larger-than-recommended doses of any vaccine does not negate the need for subsequent recommended doses.
According to this injection is not approved for children. It should never have been administered to a child/infant. It's meant for adults only - pregnant women in the third trimester or elderly adults. That said, it doesn't appear to be a "risky" product (and this is NOT a medical assessment as I'm not a physician), not many side-effects and most appearing at the injection site and shortly after the administration of the shot (for any allergic reaction).
I'm praying it will turn out to be benign for the baby and all will be fine. The baby would have gotten the dose pre-birth through the bloodstream shared with the mother so it's not a drug that has never been "administered" (in a sense), even indirectly in the fetal stage, to infants.