What "unstoppable" power is that exactly? Regulating everyone's sexuality? Forcing women into subservience because that was Paul's interpretation? Adding made-up stipulations like "yOu HaVe To AcCePt AlL oF iT oR nOnE oF iT"? Is this the same "unstoppable power" that got their panties in a bunch after Seth MacFarlane dared make fun of the holy and correct unquestionable religion? The same "unstoppable power" that murdered people if they didn't agree to their misguided interpretations of ancient and VERY incomplete texts?
Not sorry to burst your bubble, but this "unstoppable power" is just another corrupt power structure capable of the same atrocities as communism or nazism or whatever mass control system you want to reference. Christianity is just another faction vying for power. Christianity does NOT care about you at all. Like every other business, Christianity cares about exerting influence.
Our founding fathers didn't give us the Bible as our law. And I will not submit to any fallen man's interpretation of the Bible as my law as per Matthew 23 when Jesus Himself levels the playing field by reminding us that He alone is the leader and teacher. We are all equals which is further enumerated in the Declaration of Independence.
Christianity is man made. It is not the Will of Christ. It's the will of Paul and the will of every other person who chooses to submit to its authority. I will not be submitting to any man-made authority. Thank GOD for the 1st Amendment. I will stand by separation of church and state and really any separation of power from authoritarianism as long as I live. Your religion may be right for you and I will fight for your right to practice it as I will fight for anyone else who wants nothing to do with it. Christians so conveniently forget that Christ expects you to respect those who reject you.
You haven't experienced Christianity, you describe man made doctrines and commandments. God is love, just because people fall short of demonstrating love and truth doesn't make it fake. It's the only reality there is. The only Way out of the spiritual matrix you are in. Jesus Christ is risen and it was done all for you. You are loved and He cares for you even though you don't see it. I pray that your blindness will be lifted and that you will consider Him worthy.
The unstoppable power of the love, truth, forgiveness, wisdom, and light of God. Nothing can stand up to it, and it causes demons to flee.
You'll have to overcome a lot of your assertions if you want to grasp a better understanding of it though, and being bitter or stubborn about it isn't going to help there, sorry.
They can't stand Christianity, because those demons know the true unstoppable power lies there. They knew it in Jesus's time too. screeeeee!
What "unstoppable" power is that exactly? Regulating everyone's sexuality? Forcing women into subservience because that was Paul's interpretation? Adding made-up stipulations like "yOu HaVe To AcCePt AlL oF iT oR nOnE oF iT"? Is this the same "unstoppable power" that got their panties in a bunch after Seth MacFarlane dared make fun of the holy and correct unquestionable religion? The same "unstoppable power" that murdered people if they didn't agree to their misguided interpretations of ancient and VERY incomplete texts?
Not sorry to burst your bubble, but this "unstoppable power" is just another corrupt power structure capable of the same atrocities as communism or nazism or whatever mass control system you want to reference. Christianity is just another faction vying for power. Christianity does NOT care about you at all. Like every other business, Christianity cares about exerting influence.
Our founding fathers didn't give us the Bible as our law. And I will not submit to any fallen man's interpretation of the Bible as my law as per Matthew 23 when Jesus Himself levels the playing field by reminding us that He alone is the leader and teacher. We are all equals which is further enumerated in the Declaration of Independence.
Christianity is man made. It is not the Will of Christ. It's the will of Paul and the will of every other person who chooses to submit to its authority. I will not be submitting to any man-made authority. Thank GOD for the 1st Amendment. I will stand by separation of church and state and really any separation of power from authoritarianism as long as I live. Your religion may be right for you and I will fight for your right to practice it as I will fight for anyone else who wants nothing to do with it. Christians so conveniently forget that Christ expects you to respect those who reject you.
You haven't experienced Christianity, you describe man made doctrines and commandments. God is love, just because people fall short of demonstrating love and truth doesn't make it fake. It's the only reality there is. The only Way out of the spiritual matrix you are in. Jesus Christ is risen and it was done all for you. You are loved and He cares for you even though you don't see it. I pray that your blindness will be lifted and that you will consider Him worthy.
Church of God are the changed. It's God who keeps Hisn Word and does the changing. The only thing we need to change is our minds. From lies to truth.
Sounds like a personal problem.
The unstoppable power of the love, truth, forgiveness, wisdom, and light of God. Nothing can stand up to it, and it causes demons to flee.
You'll have to overcome a lot of your assertions if you want to grasp a better understanding of it though, and being bitter or stubborn about it isn't going to help there, sorry.