30-year mortgage rates are near 8% with excellent credit. Interest rates have climbed for the past three months straight. The Fed is considering another interest rate increase for November and December, possibly pushing rates up to 8.5% or even 9%. The reasoning is that higher interest rates will "slow down inflation".
Home sales are at a 13-year low. Factor in the higher cost of insurance and the fact that property taxes are going up to unaffordable levels and the very high cost of labor and materials for home construction... and you have a real estate market that's going to crater.
I personally know several homeowners that had their homes listed for sale, but have removed them from the market in the past 2 months. They will wait and hold on to what they have for now. One real estate agent mentioned to a couple that they should keep their house off the market until at least middle of next year and then decide based on market conditions.
I'm suggesting that the U.S. economy is a three legged stool... and one of those legs is housing and private & commercial real estate. If it fails, the economy goes into a deep recession at best.
We need a real estate crash.
Young American families need homes and they are currently unable to afford them.
Home prices need to come down 30% or more.
We've been fed a lie that there is not enough housing. This just is not true; what we've had is a misallocation of capital where investors/Airbnb were eating up the homes keeping them off market for families that want to own. We need a return to normal home ownership.
Here’s the problem though: a real estate market crash would be a repeat of 2008. That recession would cause many of those young, new homeowners to lose their jobs, then their house now that they can’t afford the payments. Then the banks start hurting because they’re not getting their money back. Our banking system, because of its fractional reserve nature, counts on people paying back their loans so that the money can be reloaned to others. Other home buyers, other businesses, etc.
It causes a chain reaction that puts the entire economy into a recession at best. In 2009 the govt avoided a deeper recession by bailing out the banks. That of course is just putting a bandaid over the true problem.
The real problem is our fiat currency and Federal Reserve coupled with fractional reserve banking practices. Those two combined are a house of cards that is a pain to keep up, but must be kept up or everyone wakes up tomorrow with no money. Except for the preppers who stacked gold, silver, and bullets.
How do you dismantle such a system while keeping the economy running smoothly? You can’t. The smoothest way would be to create a metal-backed alternate currency and make everyone switch over to it simultaneously. Even that wouldn’t solve every problem, not immediately, and there would still be mass confusion and chaos.
While I do not want to see another 2008 (it was a rough time for me personally), we really need the whole economy to crash. Housing, stock market, all of it. Yes it will hurt but money is the only thing that ALL people "listen" to.
I used to think that the great awakening would occur when people learned about what has been done to the children. I no longer believe that. Especially with what we've seen the last month. Even Jan Halper has said this. The only thing that will wake up enough people to make a difference is their money.
I agree that our entire monetary system is a house of cards and I have no idea how we will fix that. Perhaps flushing the system is a start.
They don't give a damn about children. Many even got their kids jabbed at the Temple of Fauci
Central banking caused %99 of these problems, but your right. We can’t ease off the heroin. In 2008 Ron Paul said a hard fast crash is better than endless bailouts. He said the system is going down and the longer we can kick the worse it’ll be. He said a prolonged slow bailout bail in, could destroy civilization. At least with a hard fast crash over 6mths to 1year. People have enough in savings to local support to get through. Problem is….. stretch that out into 5 years 10 years and society may never return.
Look at what the imf had done to the 3rd world. Constant debt, loans, interests. They’ll never get out. If all the debt on this planet was paid off, the system would crash. Technically, there’s more debt than money so we can never come close to paying off the debt. It’s a Ponzi scheme. It’s over.
I agree & have been trying to explain this to my family to no avail. sad because they’re making poor financial decisions, and I just have to sit back and watch. I think we’re going back to a time when America was Great and farmers, etc had respect. more agrarian…Washington thought everyone should have their own land, a place or their own.
“The phrase refers to the independence of the peasant farmer who is freed from military oppression.5 In the biblical passage there is a juxtaposition of the simple life with that of royalty or the state.6 Thus, it would seem that Washington's use of "vine and fig tree" in its full context would be an appropriate message in the setting of the American Revolution and the founding of the United States.“
Yeah I feel like we alm will lose stuff. For our freedom it's worth it to let the deep state system go. Real money and I don't thinknit will be long before we are all back on our feet.
I think opportunity will be vast, whole industries are folding and the work they do will need doing again. Build a company.
We replaced it. It's running in the background. This is just a demonstration of the evil it is to wake normies. I'm sure it will fall and it will be the necessary scare Q posted about. It has to die it cant be fixed. It's a giant ponzi scam. Let it die. I would welcome its demise.