"Palestine is the name given to Judea when the Romans Crushed the Jewish rebellion in 70 something A.D. It is an Artificial construct. All the land was under Jordanian control when the First Jewish war for Independence broke out. the Arab told the Arabs living in the area to leave so they could kill ALL the Jews. They left, then when the war was over the Arabs would not let them go back. "The Palestinian Problem" was created. Over the years, the "land hungry" Jews have surrendered the Temple mount and destroyed various Settlements and turned over Gaza to Palestinian control in order to achieve peace. and what do they get for it? more demands for their death and more conspiracy theories about their ulterior motives, etc. As far as I'm concerned they should take the temple mount back and the Old city clean out Gaza and send them all packing to Jordan where they belong.
Didn't the Roman Legions also kill all the Jews in Isreal back then (as an example to the world of the result of rebellion)? They started by wiping out town after town, until they came to Jerusalem, and laid seige similar to the description of the apocalypse in Revelations. They then utterly destroyed Jerusalem, so no two stones stone on top of each other, and rebuilt the city some miles away as a tribute to the Roman Emperor and Saturn.
Only Christians survived the extermination, as they heeded Jesus's words in Matthew 24:15-22.
[16] “Then those in Judea must flee to the hills.
[17] A person out on the deck of a roof must not go down into the house to pack.
[18] A person out in the field must not return even to get a coat.
[19] How terrible it will be for pregnant women and for nursing mothers in those days.
Then you got the late 1800s early 1900s Zionist movement where they asked the Palestinian govt at the time to come back to live in Jerusalem (at the time the sentiment was majorly against Christians so why not have Jewish and Muslim team up?)
The Palestinians let them come in and they quickly went to work taking over political offices and places of power in a European style colonialization. Jewish people kept flooding in. Palestinians were pretty obviously pissed.
Then you get England and more specifically the Rothschild family to declare the State of Israel for Jewish people through the Balfour Declaration.
If I were Palestinian, I would be fighting for the land of my forefathers. If I were Jewish, I would be fighting for the land of my (perceived) forefathers. How about we not be involved at all and let God take care of it. Each one wants to genocide the other, each one needs to conquer the other to survive. There is no good or evil side in this, there's just the will to survive. Israel doesn't need our help anyway, they've gotten enough of our wealth as it is with their victim pitches.
And the Palestinians in that part of the world? Arabs over-running the Roman/Byzantium empire. slaughtering every thing in sight, raping and looting and selling off the survivors and then "Peacefully settling down in the waste land they created. Who's land is it? who ever is willing to fight for it. Lions and hyenas fight almost every night over water holes. Life is messy isn't it? white men "took" America from a semi-nomadic neolithic Indian people. who had lived there for a thousand years. They admitted they had taken it from a race who had lived there for over 10 thousand years. who were they? the moon faced people. The Indians said they were 3 - 4 feet tall, fought with poison arrows, they were Nocturnal, with over sized eyes for seeing at night and they were pale skinned and their eye's were BLUE. they built STONE walls. a primitive statue was dug up in a field on the east coast years ago. The Indians of N. America never worked in stone and lived in mud and straw building.
Arabs over-running the Roman/Byzantium empire. slaughtering every thing in sight, raping and looting and selling off the survivors and then "Peacefully settling down in the waste land they created.
The Ottoman empire was a pretty tolerant empire in its day. Jewish and Christians made up a large part of the population and you didn't see any uprisings from them. This was also not a mudhut shithole empire.
white men "took" America from a semi-nomadic neolithic Indian people. who had lived there for a thousand years.
Yeah man and they didn't need another country to come in as backup or pay them boatloads of treasure every year. Their will to survive was extremely strong and resilient. That is life. If the Jewish people can't win after all the help and preparation they've had since the 50s and before, their will to survive is shit and nature should process accordingly. They should be more than prepared and shouldn't have our money or help. This is what they signed up for.
The Indians said they were 3 - 4 feet tall, fought with poison arrows, they were Nocturnal, with over sized eyes for seeing at night and they were pale skinned and their eye's were BLUE. they built STONE walls. a primitive statue was dug up in a field on the east coast years ago.
That sounds interesting and I'd like to hear more about the proto-Hyperboreans being conquered by Asiatic Mongoloids and less Jew Victim Megaphoning. Your name is WestCelt, not JewActivist, these people do not care about you. They are just as intent on conquering the world at your expense if given the chance.
Let the Palestinians and Israelis duke it out. USA or Europe doesn't need to be involved.
"Palestine is the name given to Judea when the Romans Crushed the Jewish rebellion in 70 something A.D. It is an Artificial construct. All the land was under Jordanian control when the First Jewish war for Independence broke out. the Arab told the Arabs living in the area to leave so they could kill ALL the Jews. They left, then when the war was over the Arabs would not let them go back. "The Palestinian Problem" was created. Over the years, the "land hungry" Jews have surrendered the Temple mount and destroyed various Settlements and turned over Gaza to Palestinian control in order to achieve peace. and what do they get for it? more demands for their death and more conspiracy theories about their ulterior motives, etc. As far as I'm concerned they should take the temple mount back and the Old city clean out Gaza and send them all packing to Jordan where they belong.
Didn't the Roman Legions also kill all the Jews in Isreal back then (as an example to the world of the result of rebellion)? They started by wiping out town after town, until they came to Jerusalem, and laid seige similar to the description of the apocalypse in Revelations. They then utterly destroyed Jerusalem, so no two stones stone on top of each other, and rebuilt the city some miles away as a tribute to the Roman Emperor and Saturn.
Only Christians survived the extermination, as they heeded Jesus's words in Matthew 24:15-22. .... [16] “Then those in Judea must flee to the hills. [17] A person out on the deck of a roof must not go down into the house to pack. [18] A person out in the field must not return even to get a coat. [19] How terrible it will be for pregnant women and for nursing mothers in those days. ....
Then you got the late 1800s early 1900s Zionist movement where they asked the Palestinian govt at the time to come back to live in Jerusalem (at the time the sentiment was majorly against Christians so why not have Jewish and Muslim team up?)
The Palestinians let them come in and they quickly went to work taking over political offices and places of power in a European style colonialization. Jewish people kept flooding in. Palestinians were pretty obviously pissed.
Then you get England and more specifically the Rothschild family to declare the State of Israel for Jewish people through the Balfour Declaration.
If I were Palestinian, I would be fighting for the land of my forefathers. If I were Jewish, I would be fighting for the land of my (perceived) forefathers. How about we not be involved at all and let God take care of it. Each one wants to genocide the other, each one needs to conquer the other to survive. There is no good or evil side in this, there's just the will to survive. Israel doesn't need our help anyway, they've gotten enough of our wealth as it is with their victim pitches.
And the Palestinians in that part of the world? Arabs over-running the Roman/Byzantium empire. slaughtering every thing in sight, raping and looting and selling off the survivors and then "Peacefully settling down in the waste land they created. Who's land is it? who ever is willing to fight for it. Lions and hyenas fight almost every night over water holes. Life is messy isn't it? white men "took" America from a semi-nomadic neolithic Indian people. who had lived there for a thousand years. They admitted they had taken it from a race who had lived there for over 10 thousand years. who were they? the moon faced people. The Indians said they were 3 - 4 feet tall, fought with poison arrows, they were Nocturnal, with over sized eyes for seeing at night and they were pale skinned and their eye's were BLUE. they built STONE walls. a primitive statue was dug up in a field on the east coast years ago. The Indians of N. America never worked in stone and lived in mud and straw building.
The Ottoman empire was a pretty tolerant empire in its day. Jewish and Christians made up a large part of the population and you didn't see any uprisings from them. This was also not a mudhut shithole empire.
Yeah man and they didn't need another country to come in as backup or pay them boatloads of treasure every year. Their will to survive was extremely strong and resilient. That is life. If the Jewish people can't win after all the help and preparation they've had since the 50s and before, their will to survive is shit and nature should process accordingly. They should be more than prepared and shouldn't have our money or help. This is what they signed up for.
That sounds interesting and I'd like to hear more about the proto-Hyperboreans being conquered by Asiatic Mongoloids and less Jew Victim Megaphoning. Your name is WestCelt, not JewActivist, these people do not care about you. They are just as intent on conquering the world at your expense if given the chance.
Let the Palestinians and Israelis duke it out. USA or Europe doesn't need to be involved.
The Unexplained Season 4 Episode 10. Missing links.
Cain and Abel to be sure. One has to go.
agreed. people need to learn some history around here.