I've done my digging. What point from Carr do you want to make? If you are upholding the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion," Konrad Heiden was not the first to identify Matvei Golovinski as one of the authors, confirmed by recent contemporary research, e.g., https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matvei_Golovinski (The entry is sourced, so spare me the obligatory "you can't trust Wikipedia.")
Of what? The "Protocols" were contrived ca. 1905 by the Okhrana, as very recent research has confirmed. They were known to be a hoax at the time they were popularized in Germany.
The scholarship on this appears pretty solid. It seems a convenient trick to dispose of the fact that it is a hoax by saying it is a plagiarism of something authentic. Where would be the proof of that? And how would that supposed original not also be a hoax?
This seems a problem of "itchy ears" seeking to hear what they want to hear. The blatant bias confirmation is so sweet, that being based on a lie is dismissed as inconsequential.
You ain't got proof of jack shit moron. You send a wikipedia link to try and prove your bullshit "proof" with nothing more than "it was debunked" fuck you Mossad shill. Nobody in the US is willing to go die for your Zionist land grab. Israel has the world's 4th largest military. You started it, you finish it yourself.
Thanks for my morning laugh. I offer references that you can check out for yourself, and you respond with great irritation---and no refutation of the references. You immediately launch into insults and name-calling. Then wrap up with a shot at a subject that was not in issue between us. ("When in doubt, shoot the chicken.")
This pretty much tells me that you have no interest in truth, but are only interested in bias confirmation. For you, the anon watchword "Question everything," does not apply to your own bias. I have to wonder what aspect of your personality is threatened by the knowledge that the "Protocols" are a hoax. It would demolish some key principle that you cherish, no? It looks to be an ugly principle.
I've done my digging. What point from Carr do you want to make? If you are upholding the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion," Konrad Heiden was not the first to identify Matvei Golovinski as one of the authors, confirmed by recent contemporary research, e.g., https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matvei_Golovinski (The entry is sourced, so spare me the obligatory "you can't trust Wikipedia.")
If you'd actually listened he's stated it's way older than that. Golovinski is just a plagiarist
Of what? The "Protocols" were contrived ca. 1905 by the Okhrana, as very recent research has confirmed. They were known to be a hoax at the time they were popularized in Germany.
The scholarship on this appears pretty solid. It seems a convenient trick to dispose of the fact that it is a hoax by saying it is a plagiarism of something authentic. Where would be the proof of that? And how would that supposed original not also be a hoax?
This seems a problem of "itchy ears" seeking to hear what they want to hear. The blatant bias confirmation is so sweet, that being based on a lie is dismissed as inconsequential.
You ain't got proof of jack shit moron. You send a wikipedia link to try and prove your bullshit "proof" with nothing more than "it was debunked" fuck you Mossad shill. Nobody in the US is willing to go die for your Zionist land grab. Israel has the world's 4th largest military. You started it, you finish it yourself.
Thanks for my morning laugh. I offer references that you can check out for yourself, and you respond with great irritation---and no refutation of the references. You immediately launch into insults and name-calling. Then wrap up with a shot at a subject that was not in issue between us. ("When in doubt, shoot the chicken.")
This pretty much tells me that you have no interest in truth, but are only interested in bias confirmation. For you, the anon watchword "Question everything," does not apply to your own bias. I have to wonder what aspect of your personality is threatened by the knowledge that the "Protocols" are a hoax. It would demolish some key principle that you cherish, no? It looks to be an ugly principle.