Whose laws are you insisting on, the current corrupt government? The military has a duty to uphold. And they are doing just that.
Trump was right, he isn’t the president. No one is. Understand the “Law of War.” Many post it and translate what and to the why. Don’t try to figure everything out. You won’t be able to, and will eventually break. Trust the plan means exactly that….you need to trust in a few things. God before everything of course. The rest will be what it has to be.
Whose laws are you insisting on, the current corrupt government? The military has a duty to uphold. And they are doing just that.
Trump was right, he isn’t the president. No one is. Understand the “Law of War.” Many post it and translate what and to the why. Don’t try to figure everything out. You won’t be able to, and will eventually break. Trust the plan means exactly that….you need to trust in a few things. God before everything of course. The rest will be what it has to be.