‘Apparently they’re expendable now’: Wind farm project to destroy koala habitat
Sky News host James Morrow says apparently, koalas are a “bit more expendable now,” with 1450 hectares of koala habitat needing to be destroyed for the Queensland Clarke Creek Wind Farm. Mr Morrow spoke with Nationals MP Keith Pitt about the matter. “Every...
These evil bastards are following their instructions to the letter!
That is prime koala territory, the last place to build a completely useless wind farm.
All the "Greenies" are as silent as mice about this atrocity. It's all part of their sick,evil plan.
Time to do the same thing and make noise if you are there.
I wonder how much these giant "farms" actually change the climate for the worst. How much change in the normal wind systems can all these wind turbines cause? Same with the solar panels. How much do they interfere in the normal intake/reflection of solar heat?
Maybe not yet, but when will the increasing number of units have an effect?
A big issue with "renewables" is the amount of land they take up. I once did a calculation based on total US energy consumption and the output of a particular wind farm. Note: Not the rated output but the actual output over a year. The result was interesting.
A wind farm that covered an area equal to eight times that of Texas would be required!
I did the same with solar farms in the UK. Several English counties would need to be covered entirely with mirrors or solar panels to supply the UK. No need to believe me, the figures are out there it is just that the proponents never seem to do the sums.
You are saying the math didn't pan out. I understand.
Interesting question. I would love to know the answer.
Queensland? Isn't that the same state that gave all the upset public servants FIVE PAID DAYS off if they felt bad about the referendum results. Australians said NO to having a divisive "original people's committee' enshrined in their constitution ( yes, they have one)
Australia. I only know they really used Australia for genuine pig test subjects for Covid vaccines.
Yep. Been watching them since covid. Place was a giant Petri dish and a suppression testing ground.
They love to kill everything except them who are the monsters reptilians.
I cannot believe the supposedly environmentalists have not pipe up and cause a riot already.
They were paid by the Soros of the world and now that they do not have a paycheck they don’t care. Where are they? Nowhere to be found
You think that's the reason? I was a greenie once. I still care.
Wind turbines cannot start to turn from the wind and they cannot change direction from the wind and no part is recyclable
You got it about the modern wind farm. The private ones like those in Netherland or those for looks in WSU Vancouver WA could.
I absolutely hate hearing stuff like this...wind farms are ridiculously harmful to the environment...
I thought it was a meme at first. These demons are sick. The only hope is Jesus return. Everything will be restore to its original glory. Can you see it?
They never produce enough energy to even come close to offsetting the energy it takes to build and maintain them. Utterly useless.
Big $$$ wins again.
It's corrupt government officials. Wind farms need subsidy just like solar.
"Koalas that get in the way are to euthanized with a "sharp firm blow to the back of the skull"
Wonder if this has something to do with comparing "Panda Eyes"
Not sure I understand what you are talking about.
Yes. It's economically unsustainable. The wind don't blow, you got crap. it cost a ton of money and break down quickly. Even the transport cost an enormous amount. I know because they ship them from the state of WA. Probably come from China into the port at Vancouver.