exactly, the majority of people just want to be left alone to be able to work and raise our families to the best of our abilities without 'their' interference.
You shouldn't. Human society, from government to courts, are just big algorithms. What processes those algorithms? We do. It's too much for one guy to do, so we divvy the workload. Parallel processing!
Of course not! But the programs and processes we design are. Whether it's "here are the steps that yonder tribe uses to construct an flint-edged blade" or a more modern "these are the steps to a judicial proceeding involving criminal activity".
And who knows? There are steps and processes that an egg and sperm follow to join and become zygote, which in turn follows rules and processes to end up as a full fledged human. Is that not an algorithm? Sometimes it even results in error codes and a woman's body spontaneously aborts the pregnancy. And two people with genetic diseases can give it to their kids. It's the definition of garbage in, garbage out.
Here is the thing though, aren't algorithms 'designed'? It certainly makes a good argument for a creator - and I myself am atheist. So, let that swim in your head for a bit. It's been swimming in mine!
For those wondering, this is a Tensorflow/AI generated image created by two seed images.
Probably the best use of AI I've yet seen...nicely done.
Do you know what program? AFAIK SD doesn't do this unless there's some new plugin
That would make an awesome patch/decal without any words.
Those in the know would relate, while the sheep would just scratch their heads.
Kinda like that snake thingy.
Love the III....
I learned this when they tried to force me out of my job during Covid.
Art of war
Right there w ya
Thanks, I needed that.
I think most of us Do know but we are trying to live a civilized life by the law Until, they force us to Respond.
exactly, the majority of people just want to be left alone to be able to work and raise our families to the best of our abilities without 'their' interference.
They are chasing a bear into a cave, with a small stick.
Interesting analogy. Verrryyy interesting.
I can identify with that.
I borrowed this! THANKS!
I have an irrational hatred of all AI generated imagery.
You shouldn't. Human society, from government to courts, are just big algorithms. What processes those algorithms? We do. It's too much for one guy to do, so we divvy the workload. Parallel processing!
Humanity is not an algorithm.
It's all part of God's algorithm
Of course not! But the programs and processes we design are. Whether it's "here are the steps that yonder tribe uses to construct an flint-edged blade" or a more modern "these are the steps to a judicial proceeding involving criminal activity".
And who knows? There are steps and processes that an egg and sperm follow to join and become zygote, which in turn follows rules and processes to end up as a full fledged human. Is that not an algorithm? Sometimes it even results in error codes and a woman's body spontaneously aborts the pregnancy. And two people with genetic diseases can give it to their kids. It's the definition of garbage in, garbage out.
Here is the thing though, aren't algorithms 'designed'? It certainly makes a good argument for a creator - and I myself am atheist. So, let that swim in your head for a bit. It's been swimming in mine!