There are numerous recorded cases of Vanishing Twin Syndrome, which is where a woman becomes pregnant with multiple babies, (common often after having in-vitro fertilization) and has non-identical, fertilized eggs that implant, but during gestation, one or more of the babies 'disappears'.
"Vanishing twin syndrome is a condition in which one of a set of twins or multiple embryos dies in utero, disappear, or gets resorbed partially or entirely, with an outcome of a spontaneous reduction of a multi-fetus pregnancy to a singleton pregnancy, portraying the image of a vanishing twin."
HERE IS MY THEORY I believe the surviving babies then have dual DNAs controlling their bodies, sometimes of two different genders. This is an argument I have for an explanation into transgenders or schizophrenia, as two different souls inhabit their body and compete for thoughts and actions.
That would be a true Hermaphrodite. There are famous clinical photos of infant children with unusual skin colorations. In two cases, the parents of the children were of two ethnicities - one very white, one very black. In each case, the infant's skin coloration was uniform in the upper body. From the waist down, one child's skin color was split one side white, the other very black. In the other case, the child was literally a checker board of black and white. Crazy.
In each case, this could have only happened it the baby was a 'merged twin' from two separately fertilized embryos that absorbed into each other.
There was a medical study I read that described a case where a mother of two sons offered to donate her kidney to one who was in desperate need of a new kidney. She and the son were the same blood type and normally would have been a perfect match.
The testing revealed she was not a match. She protested and asked them to test again. In more extensive testing they found that the boy did not have any DNA relation to the mother, but did to the father. They tested the other boy. Same thing. Everyone was shocked and confused. How could 2 children who were grown in her body show no DNA match?
Doctors decided to try and obtain DNA from various parts in her body. They found 2 distinct DNAs! One did match the two boys!
They really wanna make their own Hunger Games mutts, don't they?
I hate this. But, read below:
There are numerous recorded cases of Vanishing Twin Syndrome, which is where a woman becomes pregnant with multiple babies, (common often after having in-vitro fertilization) and has non-identical, fertilized eggs that implant, but during gestation, one or more of the babies 'disappears'.
"Vanishing twin syndrome is a condition in which one of a set of twins or multiple embryos dies in utero, disappear, or gets resorbed partially or entirely, with an outcome of a spontaneous reduction of a multi-fetus pregnancy to a singleton pregnancy, portraying the image of a vanishing twin."
HERE IS MY THEORY I believe the surviving babies then have dual DNAs controlling their bodies, sometimes of two different genders. This is an argument I have for an explanation into transgenders or schizophrenia, as two different souls inhabit their body and compete for thoughts and actions.
Interesting theory...(Is it possible to remove the other soul safely somehow?)
EDIT: I've also heard of gynandromorphism, where an organism is literally half male, half female; Split down the center!
This is what the Machlyes amazons of Greek myth were described as...
That would be a true Hermaphrodite. There are famous clinical photos of infant children with unusual skin colorations. In two cases, the parents of the children were of two ethnicities - one very white, one very black. In each case, the infant's skin coloration was uniform in the upper body. From the waist down, one child's skin color was split one side white, the other very black. In the other case, the child was literally a checker board of black and white. Crazy.
In each case, this could have only happened it the baby was a 'merged twin' from two separately fertilized embryos that absorbed into each other.
There was a medical study I read that described a case where a mother of two sons offered to donate her kidney to one who was in desperate need of a new kidney. She and the son were the same blood type and normally would have been a perfect match.
The testing revealed she was not a match. She protested and asked them to test again. In more extensive testing they found that the boy did not have any DNA relation to the mother, but did to the father. They tested the other boy. Same thing. Everyone was shocked and confused. How could 2 children who were grown in her body show no DNA match?
Doctors decided to try and obtain DNA from various parts in her body. They found 2 distinct DNAs! One did match the two boys!
This can only happen with a 'merged twin'. Crazy.
Now I'm imagining multi-personality people being secret conjoined twins where one "vanished"
Would make an interesting manga plot
Wouldn't it though!
Oh look, as in the days of Noah
Such evil.