Men are consistently better than women at visuospatial skills. Now practice supposedly helps with this.
Anecdotally I will tell you this. My wife can’t tell her left from her right without really thinking about it. (like holding up both hands where the left hand forms an “L”) She also doesn’t have the ability to rotate a map around in her head like I can. It makes me crazy. She has to either turn a physical map when the direction changes or have the computer do it. I just leave North as “up” and I do the mental gymnastics.
I think women are much better at noticing details and this has been tested. Thus men are really good at getting you somewhere and women are really good at noticing what is there when you get there and remembering what was there.
It’s great that your daughter is good, but shooting an arrow in a straight line, even with an arc, is not as mentally engaging as visualizing a pool shot requiring multiple bumpers and such. Can your daughter perform complicated bank shots with consistency? Can she do so against males? You may have some confirmation bias if you’re the only male she is playing.
Talents are different.
Men are consistently better than women at visuospatial skills. Now practice supposedly helps with this.
Anecdotally I will tell you this. My wife can’t tell her left from her right without really thinking about it. (like holding up both hands where the left hand forms an “L”) She also doesn’t have the ability to rotate a map around in her head like I can. It makes me crazy. She has to either turn a physical map when the direction changes or have the computer do it. I just leave North as “up” and I do the mental gymnastics.
I think women are much better at noticing details and this has been tested. Thus men are really good at getting you somewhere and women are really good at noticing what is there when you get there and remembering what was there.
It’s great that your daughter is good, but shooting an arrow in a straight line, even with an arc, is not as mentally engaging as visualizing a pool shot requiring multiple bumpers and such. Can your daughter perform complicated bank shots with consistency? Can she do so against males? You may have some confirmation bias if you’re the only male she is playing.