85% of Jews identify as Ashkenazim, which indicates that they would be descendants of Gomer through Japheth.
26% are conservative, you say?
Going by the Bible, every human alive is descended from Noah, from one of three branches - Ham, Shem, or Japheth.
Jews are descended from Shem.
Now supposedly, “whites” are also “Caucasian” descendants of Japheth.
So if any of this is true, and who knows if it is, why would descendants of Japheth be going around claiming to be a group they couldn’t be while continually having high levels within their group trying to kill all the other members of their same group?
I do still believe they can become grafted in to Israel just like anyone else, even if this is correct.
God said “ALL” nations.
There’s definitely some shenanigans afoot that need to be corrected, though. Criminality and evil are criminality and evil. Why should we care what group is doing it? If a certain type of criminality is endemic among a group, though, it does behoove the investigator to ask WHY?
26%: https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/religious-landscape-study/religious-tradition/jewish/party-affiliation/
And that's pre-Oct 07.
85% of Jews identify as Ashkenazim, which indicates that they would be descendants of Gomer through Japheth.
26% are conservative, you say?
Going by the Bible, every human alive is descended from Noah, from one of three branches - Ham, Shem, or Japheth.
Jews are descended from Shem.
Now supposedly, “whites” are also “Caucasian” descendants of Japheth.
So if any of this is true, and who knows if it is, why would descendants of Japheth be going around claiming to be a group they couldn’t be while continually having high levels within their group trying to kill all the other members of their same group?
What happened to the lost 10 tribes, exactly?
they are just trickster namestealers. cue in Yiddish ( in fact jewish german )
I do still believe they can become grafted in to Israel just like anyone else, even if this is correct.
God said “ALL” nations.
There’s definitely some shenanigans afoot that need to be corrected, though. Criminality and evil are criminality and evil. Why should we care what group is doing it? If a certain type of criminality is endemic among a group, though, it does behoove the investigator to ask WHY?
I just bothered to look up what Ashkenazi means after someone pointed out that it contains “Nazi” and in light of many high ranking Nazis being “Jewish”. https://greatawakening.win/p/17rSjDuEOw/x/c/4TxkxInv3QJ
“Descended from Ashkenaz”
Who was he?
“Son of Gomer, of the line of Japheth”
Well. Interesting. Right in front of our freaking faces.
This puts a bit of a wrinkle on everything, it seems.
My suspicion is that some portion of these people are being used by Satan to try and slander and discredit God, but YHWH wins and his Word is good!
I don't say. Pew says. All of the other gobbledygook: History is Written by the Victors.
Yeah sorry, “third person ‘you’.” :-)
that would be Ortodox Jews who are not much friendly towards Khazar Zionist ones